by TerryWalstrom 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TerryWalstrom

    GOD is always changing in the mind of true believers TO FIT the current situation.

    It's like a virus. Adaptation is part of evolutionary principles.
    Change is powerful.

    Superstition has almost always played a part in manipulating public opinion around the exploits of ruling powers.

    In the 20th century, the hold of superstition was sorely tested and found wanting.
    "God is with us" became threadbare.
    Communism promised a worker's paradise. That meant you could have your reward without having to die first. The simple solution was to divest the Rich and distribute his wealth among the rest.
    Easy peasy.
    The Russian Revolution tested this notion. Where was that promised Paradise? It was all a lie.
    In WWI Christian nations shot each other on either side of trenches until they all gave up and went home. Lots of dead Christians were buried, mourned, and awarded posthumous medals. Each battered combatant nursed their wounds and grievances for 'next time.'

    If God was on "our side" why did things turn out so badly?
    These nations weren't just governments. No, they were large populations of people who had to be kept together and united by some common beliefs. For perhaps the first time ever, not all of these beliefs were based on GOD as a central focus.

    WWII tested ideas, ideologies, technologies, and Strong Leaders. Germany (Socialism), Russia (Communist Workers under Pappa Stalin) Japan (Emperor IS God) Italy (Socialism),
    America (God is with us) all clashed and tested their claims of superiority.

    The end of WWII left Russia badly damaged internally without the possibility of GOD having won the day. It was the STATE and Pappa Stalin.
    Germany was ruined and fascistic Master Race self-belief had not worked. Only the socialist philosophy remained.
    Japan's Emperor (God) had been humiliated. General MacArthur stepped in and a hybridized Capitalism was grafted in to heal the wounds.
    Italy and the Fascistic cult of personality collapsed like a tent without a pole and the Catholic church rushed to fill the void.
    America had the Atomic Bomb and Jesus. Chalk up a win in those columns!
    Now why mention all this history? We all know these things, don't we?
    My point is this, ideas are tested by history.
    Jehovah's Witnesses have ideas and make predictions and history TESTS the validity of those assertions.
    As old believers become disaffected apostates, NEW members take their place and easily accept the NEW lies with equal confidence.

    GOD, as an idea, can be changed generation by generation as old true-believers stop believing and new eager believers take their place accepting the "adjusted" beliefs.

    We are living in ADJUSTED times always. NEW ideas replace the old one which was proved wrong. Apostates become Atheists and nobody cares about them. New believers replace them.

    Arguments, debates and disaffections were always and will always remain--BUT NONE OF IT MATTERS because new generations are eager while old generations are bitter.

    Old ideas are worthless.
    Old Losers are irrelevant.

    WE CAN'T BECOME OLD LOSERS or we give up our effectiveness in controlling the mechanisms of change.

    GOD is always changing in the mind of true believers TO FIT the current situation.

    It's like a virus. Adaptation is part of evolutionary principles.
    Change is powerful.

    We become powerful when we take on the Governing Body on OUR terms and not theirs. We don't engage in debates over "interpretation" because that is the chief power of the Governing Body: they can print the currency which determins WHO Jehovah is and exactly what He says.
    We can't do that.

    What we must focus on is our power to EXPOSE THE LIE of interpretation and hypocrisy alone.

    HOLD the GB and Jehovah's Witnesses up to their own "high standards" and demonstrate how they FAIL measured by their own standards.

    Because it takes away the necessity of showing WE are right and they are wrong.

    It becomes a case of: IF you were right how ould you be so wrong.

    There is a big difference.

    Otherwise, like the idea of GOD throughout our history, the "TRUTH" will keep on changing and adapting to each new test which disproves the old one and new generations of converts will step in unwittingly and buy the new bill of goods.

  • waton

    Terry, there is a lot thought in that post.

    Good thing the Nazis did not have the undisturbed material and industrial might of the Americans. would that different result have been proof of their better doctrine? ideology? Can our individual contributions here even be compared to an all out war?

    We all will become old[er], but whether we become losers would depend on our purpose , goal; so, define it well.

    If there is a creator of this great place we live in, religions have not define him adequately.

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