I keep hearing rumors that there are locations throughout the country where the Witnesses have their own schools, kinda like Parochial School. Has anyone else heard this? Has anyone seen one or been to one? What's the deal?
JW High
by Yerusalyim 9 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah I went to Homeschool, & my younger friends did too but they went to a different one than me that was run by Witnesses. It's been going on for years so that they can make you Pioneer & keep you away from the worldly kids.. Sucks! I wish I could have graduated from a public school & could have gone to the prom like a normal teenager/ F--- all of them for taking our childhoods away without our consent! Christine
Where I live Yeru, Witnesses go to protestant schools. All but catholic schools.
They seem to hate catholics to the point of not sending their children there.
Hey Yeru,
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New World Education Center.......There's a post from last May about this. I typed in Witness schools on search.
When I grew up there was a witness school nearby, had probably 40 students in it, all of course witnesses.
The high school diploma actually was a GED. The classes that teenagers went to did not fit the requirements of the high school, so if one went to a year or two of the witness schoo, and wanted to finish high school at a regular school, his credits were no good, and they had to start over.
Not a good deal, to say the least.
Stupid freaks.
Homeschooling????? Hey! Let's give our kids even LESS social skills... and, give them a GED.. like that's anything to brag about....
That really pisses me off. People should get their heads examined...
Instead of standing for the National Anthem, do you stand for a Kingdom Melody? Does a prayer to
the Faithful & Discreet SlaveJehovah follow? -
My brother was pulled out of high school by my stepmother and homeschooled when he was around 15 He is 22 now and doesn't even have a GED diploma. He works for an elder's lawn service and still lives at home. The reason my stepmom pulled him out of high school was because he wanted to be on the basketball team and he asked and begged her. The coaches even tried to talk to my stepmom on my stepbrothers behalf. So she just took him out of school. I am glad I was out of the house when my Dad married that witch.
In my neck of the woods (river) Cincinnati, Ohio the JWs are sending their children to all kinds of private schools including Catholic. The latest trick is to send them to one of the Catholic school across the river in Kentucky so others in the congregation will not find out. This has not worked. People have found out and are asking the elders when did this practice become acceptable?? How can Bro & Sister $$$ don't stank do this and remain in good standing????
The financially better off (and JWs with brains) ones tend to do this, including brothers with positions in the congregations. These were the main hyporcrites, (oops) I mean brothers, who just a few years ago, were preaching from the platform that "we should not become too involved in what this system of things has to offer". Perhaps they've concluded that a "worldly" education may benefit them after all. Some have even been caught accepting scholarships from two of the more notable "Catholic" colleges here: "Mt. St. Joseph and Xavier University.
A lot of JWs here have figured out that home schooling, especially by those who are untrained, is not going to help their kids cut it - Especially since those kids may have to plan to retire in this system.