May 1, 2003 Watchtower page 8
Watchtower quotes are in red Reviewer comments are in black or in parentheses DO YOU ASK, "WHERE IS JEHOVAH?"Jeremiah 2:5,6
Jeremiah 2 (NLT)5 This is what the LORD says: "What sin did your ancestors find in me that led them to stray so far? They worshiped foolish idols, only to become foolish themselves. 6 They did not ask, `Where is the LORD who brought us safely out of Egypt and led us through the barren wilderness--a land of deserts and pits, of drought and death, where no one lives or even travels?'
"Where is God?"
So the WT article starts out. From the scripture above, the Israelites believed that God existed. But they chose to worship other "gods." They chose to live their lives by principles not contained in the Law code their ancestors agreed to live by. When calamity struck, they did not look to the god that their religious writings said had saved them out of previous calamities.
There are, of course, many who recognize the abundant proof (the universe around us) there is a God.
Some of these are content with simply having some form of religion.
n. 1.- Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
- A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
- The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
- A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
- A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
He makes it possible for us to know him and to learn much about his purposes.
But only through the WTS organization.
The Bible—A Book Meant to Be UnderstoodAll who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God"
can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave .—John 6:68.
They (Israel) were not looking for his guidance (WTS). When faced with decisions, large and small, do you ask, "Where is Jehovah?"
No the average JW says, "Let’s ask an elder Brother BigWords," or "Let’s ask the circuit overseer, Brother InsideConnections," or maybe even "Let’s write the Society." But few are interested in doing a little research in the Bible, and reasoning out their own answer.
David had personally experienced Jehovah’s protection.
However, David’s success did not make him self-confident. He did not reason that whatever he did now, Jehovah would bless him. Repeatedly during the years that followed, David inquired of Jehovah when confronted decisions.
Really?! Let’s examine two areas of David’s life that indicate that he disregarded Jehovah’s direction when making decisions. There will be another one mentioned later in this reivew
Chronicles 21:1-321
And Satan proceeded to stand up against Israel and to incite David to number Israel. 2 So David said to Jo´ab and the chiefs of the people: "Go, count Israel from Be´er-she´ba to Dan and bring it to me that I may know their number." 3 But Jo´ab said: "May Jehovah add to his people a hundred times as many as they are. Do they not, O my lord the king, all of them belong to my lord as servants? Why does my lord seek this? Why should he become a cause of guilt to Israel?"1
Chronicles 21:7-87
Now this thing was bad in the eyes of the [true] God , and so he struck down Israel. 8 Consequently David said to the [true] God: "I have sinned very much in that I have done this thing. And now, please, cause your servant’s error to pass away; for I have acted very foolishly."1
Chronicles 21:11-1211
Accordingly Gad went in to David and said to him: "This is what Jehovah has said, ‘Take your pick , 12 whether for three years there is to be a famine; or for three months there is to be a sweeping away from before your adversaries and for the sword of your enemies to overtake [you], or for three days there is to be the sword of Jehovah, even pestilence, in the land, with Jehovah’s angel bringing ruin in all the territory of Israel.’ And now see what I should reply to the One sending me."1
Chronicles 21:13-14 ***13
So David said to Gad: "It is very distressing to me. Please, let me fall into the hand of Jehovah, for very many are his mercies; but into the hand of man do not let me fall."14
Then Jehovah gave a pestilence in Israel, so that out of Israel seventy thousand persons fell.So David decided to disobey God and then was only worried about saving his own life, but chose to have God destroy 70,000 people
Samuel 11:2-42
And it came about at the time of evening that David proceeded to rise from his bed and walk about on the rooftop of the king’s house; and from the rooftop he caught sight of a woman bathing herself, and the woman was very good in appearance. 3 Then David sent and inquired about the woman and someone said: "Is this not Bath-she´ba the daughter of E·li´am the wife of U·ri´ah the Hit´tite?" 4 After that David sent messengers that he might take her. So she came in to him and he lay down with her, while she was sanctifying herself from her uncleanness. Later she returned to her house.2
Samuel 11:14-1514
And it came about in the morning that David proceeded to write a letter to Jo´ab and send it by the hand of U·ri´ah. 15 So he wrote in the letter, saying: "PUT U·ri´ah in front of the heaviest battle charges, and YOU men must retreat from behind him, and he must be struck down and die."2
Samuel 11:22-2522
So the messenger went and came and told David all about which Jo´ab had sent him. 23 And the messenger went on to say to David: "The men proved superior to us, so that they came out against us into the field; but we kept pressing them right up to the entrance of the gate. 24 And the shooters kept shooting at your servants from on top of the wall, so that some of the servants of the king died; and your servant U·ri´ah the Hit´tite also died." 25 At that David said to the messenger: "This is what you will say to Jo´ab, ‘ Do not let this matter appear bad in your eyes, for the sword eats up one as well as another. Intensify your battle against the city and throw it down.’ And encourage him."So knowing full well the law against adultery, David, the example set before us as one looking to Jehovah "when faced with decisions, large and small," followed up this capital offense with the one of cold-hearted murder of the husband. Later the son from the adulterous relationship died. And all David had to say was to comfort Joab that soldiers have to die some time.
King Jehoshaphat
is the next example of one who looked to God when making decisions.This king selected Athaliah, the daughter of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, for his son Jehoram as wife. Now how was the looking to God for direction when God said you must marry worshipers of him. If you remember Athaliah was a Baal worshipper just like her mother.
He had made bad choices in allies too. Note these comments from the Insight Book:
Insight Book Volume 1 p
1272Jehoshaphat agreed to accompany King Ahab in a military venture
to recover Ramoth-gilead from the Syrians. However, before actually starting out, Jehoshaphat requested that Ahab inquire of Jehovah. Four hundred prophets assured Ahab of success. But Jehovah’s true prophet Micaiah, hated by Ahab but called at Jehoshaphat’s insistence, foretold certain defeat. Nevertheless, Jehoshaphat, perhaps so as not to go back on his original promise to accompany Ahab, went into battle dressed in his royal garments. Since Ahab had taken the precaution to disguise himself, the Syrians mistakenly concluded that Jehoshaphat was Israel’s king and therefore subjected him to the heaviest attack. Jehoshaphat barely escaped with his life, and Ahab, despite the disguise, was mortally wounded.Later, Jehoshaphat became partner to King Ahaziah, Ahab’s successor, in a shipbuilding enterprise at Ezion-geber on the Gulf of `Aqaba. But Jehovah disapproved of this maritime alliance with wicked Ahaziah.
Was Jehoshaphat looking to God in making his decisions?
He (Jehovah) invites people of all nations to seek him in prayer.He hears the prayers of the righteous ones.Yet, when the heart of a person is not submissive to God (WTS), that person’s prayers are in vain. (So how does God hear the prayers of those to whom he sends JWs by angelic direction?) THEY ASKED BUT DID NOT RECEIVE (King) Saul prostrated himself to Jehovah. But it was mere outward show. Saul’s desire was, not to be obedient to God, but to be honored before the people.
Yes, the elders must be obedient to the WTS, the only channel to God on earth.
Saul went to a spirit medium to get to information from God. How is that any different than going to a man-made organization to get knowledge of God?
Though they (Israel) went through the motions of inquiring of God, they did not prepare their hearts to submit to his will (God’s will as interpreted by the WTS).The WTS has gone through the motions of inquiring of God which is why there are so many flipflop doctrines.
However, when they did not get the answer they wanted, they went right ahead and did what they planned.How many elders and COs and DOs have subverted the decisions of the judicial process because "they did not get the answer they wanted"?
"KEEP ON MAKING SURE" True worship involves more than symbolizing our dedication by water immersion, attending congregation meetings, and sharing in the public ministry.Let’s look at that again!
True worship involves more than symbolizing our dedication by water immersion, attending congregation meetings, and sharing in the public ministry.Daily we are subjected to pressures—some subtle, some more obvious—that could turn us away from the path. (Pressures from apostates?)"Keep on making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord" as interpreted by the WTS though.
David once again in not consulting with God’s word erred in the manner the ark of the covenant was transported which resulted in the death of Uzzah not David. How well this illustrates how when elders do not consult and follow the word of God, innocents are hurt and even die.
Using Solomon who married foreign women and turned away from worshipping God in his later years, the WTS says:
No matter how prominent, wise, or knowlegeable we may see to be, it is important to "keep on making sure what is acceptable to the Lord" as interpreted by the WTS. Is the WTS thinking of elders, COs, DOs, Bethelites, branch personnel who might not be toeing the line as well as they should? Do we search for God (WTS) but then refuse to accept counsel?When a concerned and caring elder uses the Bible (uses the Bible? They only bring along xeroxed copies of some WT article) to counsel us…do we show appreciation…?
DO NOT FORGET TO ASK When under stress, even one who has built up a fine record in Jehovah’s service may fall short.I wonder if this addressing the number of elders who are stepping down. An elder in the last congregation I attended, said that 25% of the elders step down every year. Are they falling short or are they finding they cannot support the unscriptural directions of the WTS?
KEEP ON ASKING, "WHERE IS JEHOVAH?"Using the example of Elijah handing over his mantle to Elisha and God showed that his spirit was now on Elisha.
Something comparable happened in modern times. Certain anointed Christians who had taken the lead in the preaching work passed off the earthly scene (just a point, Elijah did not die right after giving Elisha his mantle). Those who were then entrusted with oversight examined the Scriptures and prayed to Jehovah for direction…As a result Jehovah has continued to lead his people and to prosper their activity.Depends on what you consider prospering. It takes more hours to make a disciple nowadays. Many are leaving or being less active (less hours in the ministry). First you have to prove that there was an Elijah class to pass on the mantle to an Elisha class. Who was leading the congregation between the years of 100 AD and 1870 AD? Has the direction taken by the WTS been supported by the scriptures? Look back at the flipflop doctrines.
We will stay close to Jehovah’s organization, respond to its direction, and share fully in the work.So we see that responding and looking for Jehovah’s direction means following the direction of his organization. If the WTS says it, it is as if Jehovah said it. Right?!
Conclusion"Keep making sure of what is acceptable to the Lord."
Should that lead you to the Bible or to WTS publications? I hope you go to the Bible. Where did the Bereans go to validate Paul’s statements?
Acts 17:11 11 Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·ni´ca, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. Picture (3 vignettes, one is missing in my opinion)A man praying
A man studying the WTS publications with his Bible
A man meditating on what he has studied
A man going to an elder to ask him what he should do