JW's and driving abilities...

by ofcmad 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • ofcmad

    Have you ever noticed that JW's have a particular hard time with driving? Let me clarify.

    I work for a Police Department that has a civic center where there are circuit assemblies held usually once a month..(give or take a few weeks. They are always around). Anyhoo, I cannot count on my fingers and toes how many accidents I have had to work involving JW's. How do I know they are JW's? Usually the songbooks flung across the road, or watchtower magazines, or the occassional tape in the tape player gives me the hint.

    I also have had more JW's curse and swear after being involved in an accident then any other denomination. I think I really need to keep statistical track. I remember in particular a young boy dressed up, driving a nice Ford F150 Dooley, made an improper right turn coming out of a local fast-food joint and smacked a small volkswagon beetle. Well none the less, the guy in the VW bug is bleeding, and the JW is cursing up a storm about how his parents are going to f-ing kill him. I told him to be quite and mind his tounge. That I don't appreciate hearing words like that. (that was really for a point to embarrass him about his behavior because I f-ing curse all the time.). Well his dad shows up. He makes matters worse. Ya know, the type with the power trip, probably an elder. He came up asking me all sorts of questions. Most of them the normal type. Until he started to get an attitude with me about who was at fault and the wrecker service. Ok, I admit, I probably was a little edgy about the situation to begin with, but I was really putting on the poker face. (I was edgy because I had to assist with a serious injury accident earlier that morning involving a witness driving H.U.A. (Head Up Ass) Btw, in that crash the woman had no insurance.

    I told him that the vehicle was going with the wrecker service because there was no way to drive it away, due to brake failure. I then casually (he he) admitted the wrecker service would require $176.00 in cash in order to get the vehicle out of tow. LOLOLOL...sorry, I have to laugh because his son demolished the VW Bug because he failed to look where he was going. So he started turning red in the face, when another officer jumped in and started to tell him where to put the attitude, or we'd find a place to put it, in the local jail facility. Of course, it was nice to know that when myself and the other officer were consulting each other near his patrol car, he was saying "She's a Jahovie, She's a Jahovie!". He knows that I am an ex-jw. Well, the other officer left to go to the hospital, because the other driver was transported by ambulance. Well to get to the point, the elder guy winds up leaving with his wife and son, after hassling the wrecker guy.

    Okay, I know my post is extremely long, I haven't posted in a long time.

    Back to the orginal question, is it me, or are JW's usually bad drivers?

  • Hamas


    Yes I can back up this post.

    Many found it hard to drive in my old congregation. There was this old guy we used to sit behind before the meeting in the car park for over 10 minutes a time as he tried to park his Vauxhall Cavillier In the tight spaces available.

    There was another elderly woman who just couldn't park it anywhere so she ended up parking down the street.

    I wouldn't say they are all bad drivers, but the lack of true education available must have had a negative effect on that part of their brain, of course you must use your head when driving and JW's don't like doing that unless somebody else is telling them how to.


  • anglise

    I am sure they think that JHVH will protect them how ever badly they drive.

    I can remember trying to avoid car groups with certain ones who were dangerous/stupid.


  • undercover

    In my 30 some years of being associated with JWs, I came to the conclusion that, generally speaking, JWs couldn't drive worth a flip. The teenagers weren't any worse than other teenagers, they did the same stupid things and raced and wrecked and got tickets. The adults on the other hand were just plain bad drivers. I rode with many different people in service for many years in different parts of the US, and the majority did not know how to deal with normal driving situations. Stopped or slowed down on on-ramps. Stopped at yield signs. Ran stop signs. Stayed in the left lane at the speed limit(Ceaser's law, ya know) while angry drivers passed em on the right, flipping em off as they went by. In service, they would pull out of a driveway, in front of traffic, go 100-200 feet, slowly, pull into the next driveway, without giving a signal while traffic slammed on the brakes to keep from piling into the JW car. That was a normal occurance in service. I got to where if I couldn't drive in service, I didn't go. Not just the embarrasement factor, but the safety factor. There were several people, pioneers and elders, that I refused to ride with in any circumstance. I worked traffic at conventions. You couldn't get these people to move at a decent speed no matter what. It always took forever to clear out a parking lot, partly due to the ineptness of the parking attendents, but also due to the fact that witness drivers were slow, didn't pay attention and kept being a good samaritan by letting others out in front of them, slowing down the whole process. At conventions, I got to where I started sneaking into employee lots, service lots, etc, so as to not have to deal with parking attendants and stupid, idiotic drivers after the session. If you're out on a Saturday morning and you see a mini-van full of people in traffic with you, avoid that vehicle at all costs. It's witnesses in service. And I will guaran-damn-tee you that the driver is talking, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a not-at-home-slip instead of paying attention to traffic.

    This has always been a pet peeve of mine. Couldn't tell, could ya?

  • Realist

    hmmmm maybe thats because 3/4 of the members are woman???

  • drwtsn32

    I never really noticed JWs being worse drivers than average people. Sure, the elderly are often dangerous behind the wheel, but that doesn't have anything to do with them being JWs.

  • Hamas
    hmmmm maybe thats because 3/4 of the members are woman???


    You wait for the reaction on that one man !!!!!


  • Nosferatu

    I noticed that JWs are notorious for backing into things. My brother nicknamed my mother's JW friend "Crash". She backed into another parked car when we were in it. Also, just about every JW I knew had a dent in the back of their car from backing into something. They're also very good at flattening curbs.

    One thing that may be an element of their bad driving is their poor paying cleaning jobs. They barely make enough to live on, let alone keeping their car repairs up (ie brakes). Those used police cars don't last forever.

  • freedom96

    When I was growing up, someone was trying to leave the meeting at the middle song, and the kid had gotten into the driver seat, started it, and rammed into the back of our car. Pretty bad too.

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