I approached two sets of cart witnesses today the contrast in conversation was stark. First couple older jws beware of content of internet etc...not able to answer questions on inspiration of jw publications content..she said "jesus and holy spirit" but they gb/fds not inspired, couldn't explain how without inspiration the fds got understanding of new light. They knew nothing of Australian royal commission into child abuse and nothing about the organisations involvement with U N at this point she said "I can't continue with this conversation and moved off. I continued with the 'brother who listened reasonably until i stopped the conversation. Moving on to the next couple on other end of the city....young couple early twenties very amiable listened intently to my points regarding jws regarding other religious points of view regarding scriptural understanding., to my surprise both agreed with my point that there should be no condemnation of others with a different take on understanding of scripture... the young 'sister' outspoken and agreeing first, the young 'brother saying final judgement should be left to jesus and that others could find jehovahs favour. Kind of stopped me in my tracks, i couldn't bear to tell them i am athiest. I wonder if this kind of attitude is common among younger jws perhaps the 'old guard' are on the way out.
Cart contrast
by Fairlane 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"perhaps the 'old guard' are on the way out"
Well, are older people not always per definition on the way out?
to my surprise both agreed with my point that there should be no condemnation of others with a different take on understanding of scripture
Many witnesses have a public-facing much more softer stance on issues, which is meant to make them look better.
Yes...old hippie the conveyor belt of life doesn't stop although my point was more about old guard hardline attitude especially as the admission of non inspiration of gb/fds is concerned, the younger couple seemed to accept my point..but as redvip says perhaps its a bit of front on their part. Hopefully some of my points will hit home for them in the future.