Searching for a quote about education

by Zoos 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Zoos

    The Watchtower (or Awake!) quoted some secular entity that made the observation that educated people were difficult to manage. Can you please help me find this quote?

    Just the fact that a little quip like that would capture the attention of the faithful slave so much that they just HAD to print it, is very telling of where their minds are with regard to education.

  • Splash

    This one?

    *** w62 8/1 p. 460 par. 16 Building a Happy Family ***
    When children commence school, many parents notice a change in thinking and attitude in their children. Some become more difficult to manage because of the environment in which they now find themselves.

  • Zoos

    Thanks, Splash. I don't think that's the one but I appreciate your input.

    I actually discovered the quote while lurking on this site so I know it's here somewhere. I just can't remember the wording accurately enough to   pull it out of the search engine.

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