Intro final

by hillfy333 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hillfy333

    Intro final

    My journey from being a born in witness to an agnostic was now complete. In my humble opinion, based on research done by Ehrman and others, it left me feeling satisfied with the thought that belief in the unerring word of God was founded on shaky ground. If we don’t have the original manuscripts, and only possess copies of copies, how could i possibly place full confidence in what our current manuscripts say about Jesus and the early Christians?

    So much doctrine has been formulated over words and phrases in the bible, which may or may not have originally existed in the first draft. How much extrapolation occurred decade after decade, generation after generation, as each new batch of Christian convert, read and reread the bible, adding their own understanding, to shape future converts. If we can’t see the original words, then why ascribe divine inspiration on copies of copies, which have already demonstrated under scrutiny having multiple differences from each other.

    So as of this writing i find myself in the camp of the agnostic. Is there a God? I simply do not know, but I’m okay with that, I’ve arrived at a point in my life where i do not need all my answers answered.

    Since moving to our new home, I’ve had two elders individually call on me several times. One elder is half awake to ttatt, the other a fully indoctrinated follower, who when asked by me whether he thought this is the same organization he and i grew up in? He replied candidly yes. As far as he was concerned it is all about the kingdom, all the changes were just simply window dressing. The other elder is fully aware of the many inconstancies in the organization , he even watched all the ARC hearings, and was dismayed with the proceedings. However he feels the jdubs are the best of a bad bunch, and that some time in the near future Jesus will step in and correct the organization.

    I’ve made it clear to both elders i have grave doubts about the bible being infallibly God’s word. I have also made it clear i will not be going back to any meetings. I made it clear i don’t want to associate with the organization, but I’m not disassociating myself either. So far so good.

    My wife remains a witness for her family’s sake, but she has not been to a meeting for around eight months now. Gladly she is not showing any signs of missing the meetings or the fellowship. I’m now in the autumn of my life. Many years have been wasted on a false belief, and many decisions regretted because of it. As so many witnesses before me, i have not fully prepared for my retirement, which is only a few years away. But I’ve implemented strategies to at least partially alleviate my retirement concerns. I have wished many times that i had been born to normal parents, with clear objectives about future preparedness, instead of leaving everything in Jehovah’s hands. Thanks for taking the time to read my journey, may all of us continue to deprogram and learn to love ourselves and the precious life we have in common, freed from the cult of fear and repression.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I know how you feel Hillfy. To be a JW is to lead a reckless life without thought of the future.The real beneficiaries of the cult are the leaders, everyone else's so delusional.

    At the bottom of Christianity is the Bible. If only people realized how they have been seduced into thinking this book is sacred when all along it is just a collection of stories brought together under the umbrella of Roman Catholic authority and held up to the peasants as holy.

    I would like to add that there is no such thing as an original Bible. It has been calculated that about 83% of its contents are borrowed from earlier literature, usually pagan or foreign courtly sources. It has little to do with the goat herders of Judah, more a compilation of wishful thinking on their behalf. Before printed literature any text could, and was continuously corrupted by writers with a political agenda.

    And we based our lives on it!

    If you are interested in the subject, a great little book to read is A Short history of Christianity by JM Robertson which approaches the subject not from a religious perspective but from the point of view of the contemporary society in the Roman Levant. It is a real eye opener.

    But we can't choose our parents...

  • dozy
    Thanks very much for your series - I've read through all 5 of your posts and it has been a fascinating read - many similarities with my own exit. Very much appreciated and best wishes for the future....
  • DesirousOfChange

    However he feels the jdubs are the best of a bad bunch, and that some time in the near future Jesus will step in and correct the organization.

    I guess that means that the JWs in their present situation only have a "little bit" of leaven (false religious doctrine). Remember the illustration of the glass of clean, clear water? If you add "just a little" drop of poison or manure, would you still drink from it? Is it OK to be "mostly clean"?

    What if Jesus chooses to "step in and correct" the Catholics, or Baptists, or etc, etc, of their "little bit" of leaven?


  • LongHairGal


    When you questioned those elders and one of them answered that he thought it was the "same" religion he grew up in with only changes in "window dressing"..well..he's full of it.

    That would be like me saying that the world hasn't changed since the 1800s.

    He is just a typical Witness denying the obvious and engaging in the mental gymnastics that they are famous for. I wonder if he has cognitive dissonance?? How does he keep convincing himself of this?? What happens when reality finally breaks through??

    Meanwhile, I'm glad you spoke your mind and are out. I wish you well with your retirement!👍

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