Paragraph 15 -
"[Jesus] was not afraid to die for upholding [Jehovah's] Sovereignty."
An error - My Lord did not die for this purpose; rather, he died... in order to save the world. And the verses the WTBTS used to support their statement do no such thing. At the time that my Lord upheld the Father's sovereignty... he was responding to the Adversary: "It is JAH your God you must worship, and it is to Him alone that you must render sacred service." Other than at that time, the Father's sovereignty was NOT an issue. Even Satan recognized that, for when the spirit beings had to "take their station before JAH," the account written in the book of Job says, "And Satan also proceeded to enter right among them... to take HIS station... BEFORE JAH." That JAH is the Most High Sovereign, that there is none ABOVE Him... nor can there be... has never been an issue. The ISSUE... is with US: what WE are... and what we will BE... and what we will do, in the meantime.
And because there is one, the Adversary, whose vocation is to destroy US... by leading us AWAY from God and TO Death... eternally... there is One... my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... who gave his life... to buy us BACK from Death, who temporarily "holds" some of us. For God loved the world SO much, that He gave His only-begotten Son, in order that everyone EXERCISING FAITH... in that One might not be DESTROYED... but have everlasting life. My Lord came into the world to bear witness to the truth; he died... so that WE... might live!
It should be noted that the word "everyone" is NOT the WTBTS' definition of "everyone", meaning only them, and particularly those they consider to be "of the anointed" - it is all those who are exercise faith in... or are PERSUADED by... that One, such that they trust and have confidence in him so that they listen to, yield to, comply with and therefore OBEY him. Many, however, and particularly the WTBTS believe that such obeisance or obedience is to what is written under the Law Covenant... or what is expounded by Paul and others. But IN TRUTH... it is listening to, yielding to, complying with and obeying HIS VOICE... when he speaks to YOU. Why do they not believe or understand this? Because, as my Lord said, "MY sheep... know MY voice." Therefore, if we ARE sheep, then we are NOT to "beg off" from the One that speaks... FROM THE HEAVENS.
Yet, such voice will not occur as it did in ancient times, as thunderous and from the sky. For that was the way it was when JAH spoke "upon the earth." NOW, however, He speaks to us by means of His SON... and that Son... is established on his throne in the kingdom of God... which kingdom... is IN YOUR MIDST... inside you! They do not know this, however, because it has not been "revealed" to them... for they are yet deaf and blind. No "eyesalve" has been granted them... nor have their bodies been "prepared" with opened or "excavated" ears... to hear! And why is this? Because they refuse to do the ONE thing required of them to receive this "healing": they refuse... to KISS THE SON!
Instead, they attempt to GO AROUND the Son... trying to reach JAH by "climb[ing] up some other place,"... THEM. They continually overstep the One appointed by God as MEDIATOR between He and earthling man... and while paying him only passing lip service, teach others that they "come to God,"... by going... THROUGH THEM. A lie.
John 10:27 Hebrews 12:25 Psalm 40:6 Revelation 3:17, 18 John 10:1-10 John 7:14 John 14:6 John 8:32, 36
"Although Satan is now waging war upon the anointed remnant, they do not fear the things they must suffer as a group..."
It is true that Paul (?) wrote that we would be glorified together "provided we suffer together," but he in NO way implied that such suffering would be "as a group". Indeed, at times, Paul himself suffered... alone. John the Baptist was be-headed... alone. Stephen was stoned... alone. And my Lord was pierced... alone. Not only alone, but temporarily abandoned by those who claimed to love him.
It is also true that Satan is "waging war" with the remaining of the seed... us. But that war is not always waged on us a group: there are times when each one of us is tried... by our OWN desires... which Satan will exploit, sometimes successfully. There are also times when he will wage such war against us individually, using his "agents" to separate us out... under the guise of expulsion (or disfellowshipping)... in an attempt to weaken us... and then "conquer" us. Are battles then, may be waged individually, as well as jointly... and most often, it IS individually... for that is when we are most weak. The saying is that "there is strength in numbers," and obviously, the WTBTS, like all other religions, believes this. But when "trying" my Lord... Satan approached him when he was alone, just as he did Eve... just as he attacked Job.
If we believe that sticking to a group for the sake of safety will succeed, then we have "heard" the cautions: "many who will kill you will think they're rendering an act of sacred service;" and "wicked men will arise from AMONG you;", and "do NOT put your trust in earthling man." How then can we be safe? By putting our trust in JAH... and the One He sent to "shepherd" us... for that One LOVE the sheep and gave his own life for them. Follow HIM... rather than following the "hired man", who WILL abandon you... and to the best of your ability... oppose the Adversary... and you will be saved. And when you cannot oppose Satan... or cannot remain strong in your resolve (note, not when you WILL not, but when you CAN not... due to your own weaknesses), call upon the Father to send you the SON... who is the HOLY SPIRIT... the PARACLETE... to help you by granting you holy spirit. And He will.
For by means of the blood of Christ, you can be cleansed of every defilement due to the weakness of your flesh. This... is a GIFT. But it is not one to be taken lightly... it is not one to be used as an INDUCEMENT for loose conduct. For then... one is working under deception, fooling themselves... and TRYING to fool the Holy Spirit... which is a sin... not of the flesh, but of the spirit! And it is sin of the SPIRIT... that has no "covering".
John 10:9-15 John 14:16 1 John 2:1, 2 Luke 13:11 Mark 3:28, 29 Acts 5:1, 2 Hebrews 10:26-29
"What if we, whether our hope is heavenly or earthly..."
A lie - For there is only ONE hope.
Ephesians 4:4
This lie, however, has been perpetuated by the WTBTS for one purpose and one purpose only: to "shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men." THEY are not going in, so neither do they permit those on their way in to go in. How do they stop such ones? By:
1. Seating themselves in the "seat of Moses," and directing people to come to THEM in order to come to God, and once such ones respond, they...
2. Prohibit them from partaking of the very means by which such ones WOULD live forever or BE resurrected should they die.
They stop... the "little children"... from coming to my Lord... the One by means of whom we can come... to God.
Matthew 23:2, 10,13 John 6:51, 53-56 Romans 8:1 John 14:6 John 7:37, 38
"... let us help fellow believers to focus on the main reason why God permits persecution - the issue of universal sovereignty."
An error - Again, my Father's sovereignty is not an issue; it cannot be an issue, for there is NO ONE greater than the Most Holy One of Israel.
John 14:28
The main reason why God PERMITS persecution is as my Lord is recorded to have said:
"A slave... is not greater than his master; if they persecuted ME... they will persecute YOU."
And WHY did they persecute him and will they persecute us? Primarily for the same reason that Job was attacked: to prove OUR loyalty... even unto death. It is WE who must "conquer" this world, just as our Lord did before us. And why does JAH allow this? To answer Satan's challenge regarding His "right" to sovereignty? Satan never made such a challenge! No, JAH allows it... for the same reason He did in Job's case: to give US the opportunity to answer... FOR OURSELVES... whether "skin in behalf of skin... and all that a man has he will give... in behalf of his flesh!"
The challenge, dear ones, was not raised with regard to JAH... but with regard... to US... what WE are... what WE will do... under enough pressure. And when that pressure seems too much... or when we fall under it... there is either One to help and strengthen us... or to "cover" us. And he will do either, for he LOVES us... so much so that he BOUGHT us... with his own blood. He "conquered" the world FOR us... so that when it SEEMS we are unable to... we can call... upon him. Job 2:3-5 Revelation 2:10 John 16:33
"Every integrity-keeping witness of [Jehovah] proves Satan to be a liar..."
Integrity, dear ones, starts... with the HEART. It is what is IN us that is being tested... and examined... not what we portray to the world and wish them to believe about us. Thus, we can have spanking cleans homes and cars and headquarters; we can wear pressed suits, carry impressive briefcases (or phylactories?), and be clean-cut and well-shaven. We can stand up in front of congregations and give excellents talks from outlines or parts from suggested publications. We can bow and scrape before those we've been told (in whispered voices) are "anointed"... and we can go out in service 24 hours a day. However, IF WE ARE UNCLEAN ON THE INSIDE... it is all moot.
If we are doing all of such things, but are hating our brother, forming sects that exclude those "not of our sort", hypocritically "cast stones" so that we judge and then condemn others, fail to "look after widows and orphans in their tribulation," turn our back on the sick, the hungry, the homeless... and even our own flesh... all for the sake of "corban,"... and prohibit ANYONE from coming to God by means of coming TO Christ... by PROHIBITING from partaking of his flesh and blood, the TRUE manna and 'water' from heaven... it is all for naught.
We can go out in service and attend meetings and assemblies and conventions; we can place magazines and count time... all 'til kingdom come. BUT... if we are overlooking the WEIGHTIER MATTERS, namely JUSTICE and MERCY and FAITH (which "faith" means HEARING the voice of the Son of God WHEN HE SPEAKS... versus denying such voice and blasphemously accusing ones who DO hear of speaking with demons)... if we a "straining out gnats, but gulping down camels,"... it is all for naught.
Thus, it is the INSIDE of the cup that we must cleanse... before trying to do something... with the outside! For unclean "sacred service"... is unacceptable in the "temple" of God.
I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you just as I have received if from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ, of the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies.
I bid you have peace!