Celebrities , Adulation , Lifestyle , is this for Jehovah`s Witnesses ? Isn`t it a form of Idolatory ?

by smiddy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    Of course this thread is inspired by Princes sad death , yet i wonder how the average J.W. see`s it. nowadays.

    From what i have gleaned from the many threads about his death their seems to be a reverence about him even on pro-J.W. sites.

    I have been out for about 25 years , yet in my time in the "truth" anything that put you on a pedestal was a no , no.

    Competition in any form was discouraged , sports especially. Throughout the Congregations

    You were discouraged from engaging in anything that brought attention to you as an individual , lest you took away devotion that was only to be given to Jehovah.

    Are Jehovah`s Witnesses now becoming Idolaters of pop stars ? Sporting legends ? etc. and no disapproval from the Governing Body ?


  • joe134cd
    I think they are becoming idolaters to the little blue sign and the septapopes who sit behind it.
  • eyeuse2badub

    The fat boys of the GB are all 'rock stars' now so it must be ok!

    just saying!


  • Hadriel

    Back in the day we had congregations playing other congregations in football. it got pretty serious. Was like the dang super bowl. It was awesome but of course it got squashed.

    Total tangent here just made me think of it.

    Interestingly image and positioning of such has become of importance whereas this would have been a no no in years past. Such a different organization now.

  • jonahstourguide

    Yes indeedy Smiddy

    here in Melbourne we have Alex Rance the Richmond footballer who is idolised when ever he shows up at a meeting or convention.


  • ToesUp

    They love anyone with money! If you have money in the JW cult, they can make things go a certain way (wink wink).

  • Finkelstein

    Somehow Prince got away with being overtly sexually androgynous even while being a JWS. ???

    But nevertheless he was a noted celebrity that the JWS could moniker for self supporting propaganda purposes.

  • SafeAtHome
    What Finklestein? You mean that's not a photo of Prince in his going to the meeting outfit??
  • Lieu
    Meh, Michael J, Salena, Prince ... I doubt WTBTS is kept monetarily afloat by drywall installers.

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