How manny baptized Jw are in america? Over 1,000,000?
how manny baptized
by l3gi0n 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
they don't even have 1 million publishers in the US.
I suspect about 85-90% of publishers are baptized and the number of publishers tends to fluctuate between 890,000 to 950,000 in the US although I think they have peaked above 1 million in the mid 90s before the Net got big.
I would venture a guess at about 820,000 baptized in the US.
The other day i went for a walk at Griffin park, i walked up a hill, where you can over look much of Los Angles.Glendale and burbank.You can look over Los Angles County as far as the eye can see. Now Los Angles County has a population of over 10,000,000. I think it may be closer to 12,000,000 though as the figures i saw were from the 2000 cencus, and last year alone the populatuon grew by almost 650,000 So as i looked over the great city, i got to thinking, If every Jehovah witness in the United States lived here in Los Angles county, At Armageddon God would only have to wipe out every one in the US outside of this county, and here is Los Angles he would only have to kill 13, out of every 14 people. Heck, if every JW in the world lived here, He would wipe out the entire earth, and when he turned his attention, to Los Angles conuty, he would only have to kill 1/2 of all the people. Can you imagen Los Anhles county Barren, devoid of people. Every other home Empty, And if you left this great city, you would not find one liveing person ON THE ENTIRE PLANET! Its silly.
That is an interesting way of looking at it.
Heck, if every JW in the world lived here, He would wipe out the entire earth, and when he turned his attention, to Los Angles conuty, he would only have to kill 1/2 of all the people.
It is silly because not everyone dies at Armageddon as the WTS wants you to believe.
Actually, it's even sillier than that: the only reality Armageddon will ever be is a bad movie starring Bruce Willis.
I`m just glad I`m not one of those baptized into that religion, Oh I`m a believer in Christ and have been baptized but baptized in the father, the Son and the Holy Ghost not the Father, Son and the watchtower society. AMEN !!!!!brother BEN....