do you ever wonder what the point is after you decide the WTS is wrong.?...........suddenly all religion you tear your self apart trying to get it right all your life................then relise another religion is wrong.............what is the friggin point of it all........yet the world still looks as bad as it did from the windows of the WTS........theres just no place left to hide anymore.............its very very cold out here
the point
by lurk 5 Replies latest jw friends
You have control over your destiny and can at least plan for your future instead of putting it off with your head in the sand as we dd in the WTS
I've found that things aren't so bad, we have never been happier and can work towards giving our kids a good and happy childhood and hopefully a good future.
People are not as bad as the WTS makes out.
It's your choice to view the world so negatively.
You're view is wrong, and that wrongness makes you miserable (while contributing nothing to making the world a better place), but, it is your choice.
Skip the religion stuff, and get on with the livin' stuff. There's no place to hide? Oh yeah? So what? There are no slings and arrows pointed your way.
Its only because you've been conditioned to filter out the 'negative' things you see and use them to reinforce your beliefs.
I watch TV and I see all kinds of charity and good deeds. I see fundraisers, food drives, volunteers. I see people of different religions making efforts to get along and try to understand one another. I see the Mother Theresas, the Oprah Winfreys, and thousands of people who really want to be better.
My dad watches TV and he only sees the 'bad'.
The fact is, there is bad and good--in EVERYTHING. You must be balanced about it. That was one of the biggest things I had to overcome: the perpetual, constant misery and doom. JW's are SO miserable. To them, this life is crap--its not even worth bothering about. Its basically disposable! There is something so much better in store, don't you know?
I was raised to believe that the world was full of evil, horrible people and only a few, really righteous people are going to be saved. Well--I've discovered that the world is full of really simple, righteous people--who want to be happy and get along...and there are a few really BAD ones (mostly in charge) who are fu**ing it up for the rest of us.
Are you not happy in life, would you rather face death? Then you need to get some help. Do you feel that life could be better? Then do your part to make it better.
No, you can't make the world a better place all by yourself, but there are plenty of ways to find fulfillment and hapiness in this life, you just must seek them out instead of believing that they don't possibly exist. Yes, some people out there are truly happy, they aren't just putting up a good front, you can be happy too, if you want to.
RT is surely right. Of course, when you find The Way your life will become so charmed, beautiful in fact, that others will want to know what you've found. And like a small stone dropped into a still pond, you will radiate ripples of peace and love all around you where ever you go. And that is an amazing thing to watch.