My uncle, formerly an elder, was disfellowshipped early this year. He's trying desperately to get reinstated and is going through some pretty depressing times these days (a possible divorce with his neurotic wife, etc.) I feel for him. I really do. Even though I don't like his braindead adherance to this cult, I want what is best for him.
But here's the funny part. My mother -- his younger sister, also a lifelong JW -- talks to him all the time. I mean, he comes over about every other week and they talk about his problems, how he wants to get reinstated and the like. They dine and laugh together too (they say seperate silent prayers which makes them look pretty weird).
That's great. Although I don't like to be around when they are talking about their nutty religion, I applaud my mother for speaking to her brother in his greatest time of need. But, is it just me, or is she definately NOT playing by the Society's rules. My uncle is not living in the same household as her and is not dependent on her financially in any way. My sister and brother-in-law both shun him completely. Is it in any way possible that she actually got the "ok" from the elders to do this (they are not in the same congregation)? Somehow, I doubt it. I feel like asking her "what gives, mom? I thought you were'nt supposed to talk to --" but that could only open up a can of worms.
So, in your opinion, is this shocking or what? Again, it's commendable that she does this for him, but couldn't she get in a little hot water if other JWs found out about this?