Anyone heard about this?

by fairy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fairy

    I was talking to my sister in law and her brother is an elder and he reckons that they have just been told that if anyone reports any child abuse or molestation issus to them then "it has to go straight to the police"

    That seems to mean the elders report it or they recommend that the victim reports it to the police

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    That is the new policy as outlined in the letters to elders (I forget the date of that one)

    Whether it will be followed when the accused is a brother remains to be seen.

    If the accused is not a brother I think it will be.

    But if he is a brothert the whole keeping the name of the cong clean and not taking your brother to court rules might get higher billing along with the complusory guilt trips

  • Stephanus

    I just hope that individual Dubs are smart enough to report the crime to the proper authorities first, thus taking it out of the untrained volunteers' hands - let them deal with cong. justice when true justice is served!

  • blondie

    The 2-15-02 BOE letter says:

    “If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report the matter to the authorities or not is a personal decision for each individual to make and that there are no congregation sanctions for either decision.”

    Thus the elders are not to bring up the point of the family and/or victim reporting. Only "if you are asked."

    The elders are advised by WTS Legal to report only if the elders are in a state that requires that they do so. Otherwise, they will not report.

    Reminders Regarding the Handling of Cases Involving Child Abuse: (1) As directed in the July 1, 1989 , letter to all bodies of elders, you should immediately call the Legal Department for direction if you learn of a case of child abuse. Child abuse would include sexual abuse, self-evident physical abuse, and extreme neglect involving a minor. (2) If the alleged victim is now an adult but was a minor at the time of the abuse, please call the Legal Department. (3) If you become aware of a past case of child abuse and you are not certain whether the elders involved at the time called the Legal Department for direction, please call the Legal Department for assistance as soon as possible. (4) Child abuse is a crime. Never suggest to anyone that they should not report an allegation of child abuse to the police or other authorities. If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report the matter to the authorities or not is a personal decision for each individual to make and that there are no congregation sanctions for either decision. That is, no elder will criticize anyone who reports such an allegation to the authorities.


  • Maverick

    As in all other matters with the Society, this is CYA. All corporations put policies in writing as a show of compliance, but the word goes out, by the CO in most cases, as to what each body of Elders should do in each case. The order of importance, number one; Protect the Org. from liability. Number two; Protect the Orgs. reputation. Number three; Protect the Orgs. interests, and a very distant fourth; protect the victim, (as long as the first three protections are not compromised.) Maverick

  • the mole
    the mole

    ***the mole*** I would like to add that there is old info regarding the reporting of any abuse base on previous law suites that havnt made the newsmedia..if someone looks into the 1985 elders handbook it suggest also to call the legal dept..also several km's in the 80's after a sister reported rape at bethel from another servant living there suggested calling the legal dept...the only thing that might change current policy is giving the right to call local authorities without getting blamed for bringing shame on god and the kingdom hall.... although they have these guidelines in print it is still up to the body of elders to act upon them sidelining their own rules... the local elders have the right not to call also. if you read whats above very carefully this paragraph only suggest and not solid policy.. this is why the issue of silent lambs was so disturbing to many.. what nbc did was seperate the fools who want to see nothing from those on the watch...many still deny that the event and evidence on tv was false..i would basically say the are the flat earth society, no matter how much evidence they will say it was a lie and a trick by satan..***the mole***

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