When God Hates something or certain things are we expected not to do it 100%?

by Longlivetherenegades 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Longlivetherenegades

    When God hates certain things does that mean you are not expected to do that particular thing or certain things 100%

    For example,

    1. God hates divorce does that mean we are not expected to divorce at all? (Hint: Jesus allow divorce)

    2. God hates violence. Does that mean we should hate violence 100%? (Hint: the one who God loves he scourges, to some extent God's punishment comes with degree of violence)

  • DesirousOfChange

    If God hates something bad enough I suspect he has the power to tell you directly if he is really that concerned.

    (Based on that, you can probably go ahead and masturbate without guilt.)

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    He hated the high places for many generations in Israel but apparently he tolerated their existence otherwise he would have torn them down by having the earth consume them.

  • Balaamsass2

    God hates divorce.....but t t t....most of his favored "friends" had multiple wives and concubines. Go figure.

    Even later, you only needed to have one wife if you wanted to be a "servant" or elder.

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