VIDEO: Weekend Meeting 3/4 December 2016

by darkspilver 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • darkspilver

    Weekend Meeting 3/4 December 2016

    Public Talk: Into the New World Under Christ’s Rulership

    Watchtower Study: "Do Not Forget Kindness to Strangers”

    (Note actual meeting starts from approximately 21 minutes in)

    You need to click through to youtube to watch the video

  • FedUpJW

    Is this something new?

    Are other kingdom halls going to have these video cameras for live streaming? I recognize the one in the photo. Decades ago I was on the framing crew at this one.

  • darkspilver

    Hey FedUpJW!

    haha! This is the 21st Century - finally!

    All congregation meetings - in ALL the main / key languages - are being beamed online worldwide from Kingdom Halls across North America, Europe and around the World!

    BTW - unfortunately it seems my postings are now being 'queued' and are therefore not appearing until, I don't know when, which is kinda a pity as I've got about four or five, on a range of topics, just ready and waiting to be posted.... but you're gonna have to wait!!!!

  • FedUpJW

    I had to ask. The kingdumb hell where I still have to go for now has no video cameras...yet. They have just gouged the sheep for more money to buy three TV's though to replace the new screen and projector that replaced the new computer that repla...oh hell, you get the idea. LOL

  • darkspilver

    East English Congregation at 609 Paradise Ct, Gaithersburg MD 20877-1234

    Sunday 11 December 2016

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