From the time I was a young pioneer, I wondered why JW’s could not accept when a householder offered to exchange literature with us /me. I just couldn’t picture Jesus being afraid of what another might argue. Obviously, Paul was familiar with other religions. And I don’t mean just the Jewish faith.
Acts 17:27, 28 NWT: . . .that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. 28 For by him we have life and move and exist, even as some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also his children.’
That same account mentions Epicurean and Stoic philosophers: “Eventually he got into a debate with some Epicurean and Stoic philosophers.” -The Voice Translation or as NWT says “disputing with him” I assume he disputed back to them! He surely knew of their philosophy and at least studied the fundamentals of their reasoning. He is brought to the Areopagus and, “they brought him to the rock outcropping known as the Areopagus, where Athens’ intellectuals regularly gathered for debate, and they invited him to speak.” The Voice So here is Paul, ready for the Philosophical debate. How different from the mentality of the modern JW today. The Reasoning Book had a listing for philosophy, very interesting: rs p. 288 Philosophy – “As used here, philosophy is not built on acceptance of belief in God, but it tries to give people a unified view of the universe and endeavors to make them critical thinkers.” Ah ha! there is the rub, we can’t have any of that critical thinking, now can we? Notice this Service Meeting Part from 1992:
*** km 5/92 p. 2 Service Meetings for May ***
15 min: Protect Yourself From Apostasy. Discussion between an elder and a publisher seated at a table. Publisher explains that he met someone in service who has been reading apostate literature. Publisher tells elder he feels householder was sincere in questions he raised. Publisher refused householder’s offer of apostate publication but would like to try to answer householder’s questions. Elder commends publisher for his good attitude and actions. Rather than discuss what apostates have written or said, it is wise to concentrate on Scriptural viewpoint of matters as set forth in Reasoning book.
How unfair for the “unbelieving mate” who goes to a Church. They are invited to go to the Kingdom Hall and miss their Church meeting, while the JW “believing mate” will not reciprocate for fear of being an Apostate. Does that even have the ring of reasonability?
I know this is nothing new, just allows me to vent. It came about because I was reading some of the earlier posts, especially On The Way Outs encounter with the JW’s on his sidewalk. He brought up some really excellent points to no avail of course. But I was thinking, what if we could tell them that they don’t need to read anything Apostate. Are they allowed to watch video of their GB members, is that permissible? Then suggest they watch an unedited interview by a Government sanctioned authority with Geoffrey Jackson. (The full transcript is available as well:
Here is just a very small portion:
Q. And do you see yourselves as Jehovah God's spokespeople on earth? A.That I think would
seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that God is using.
I know, many of us have tried to do just that but can’t break through. As was mentioned in the OTWO post, maybe we can plant a seed and they will think.
And now, to Saint Stephen’s Feast or Boxing Day! As an arrogant Yank, I just learned what that December 26 Holiday was all about in England and Canada.