Old magazines on ebay

by Gadget 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget

    I've found loads of old Watchtower's and Golden Age's for sale on www.ebay.co.uk. Then just type watchtower into the search.

    Most of them date from 1912 through to the 1940s, and are currently at about three pound each, but the auction finishes in about 5 hours so be quick.

    Theres bound to be loads of good reading in these to find weird old policies, and you can imagine witnesses faces if instead of quoting 'apostate' liturature to them you just use watchtowers.

    They also post worldwide.

  • rocketman

    Oldies but goodies!

  • Alleymom

    Gadget --

    I was browsing the US eBay site, and I found an auction for an old Consolation with an article and a photo of "Watchtower College Graduates".


    What does this refer to, I wonder? Was the society proud of its college graduates back then? I know that later they discouraged college attendance.

    I take it that this refers to college graduates who are associated with the WT society rather than graduates from a school called Watchtower College


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