Wot's all this then?

by Valis 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    So this guy came to town last March from jolly olde England...We called him trucker, truck, amongst other unpleasantries. He was a quiet one, mostly observing and sometimes addingto good conversation...drinking, eating, laughing, smiling and winking once in a while....well...near the end of the festivities there were a couple of items left on his agenda and the apostates had scattered back to the four corners... Well, we made plans, and really, looking at him and me, one wouldn't think we had too much in common, or that there would be enough mutual interest to keep us talking. I picked him up from the hotel in the morn and he was really jonesing for a tiffin, so Catholic School Girl and I took him to my place where he served us a right English tea, even if the tea was crappy...Naturally I was not prepared, if it had only been beer he wanted...oops..Anyway, I digress...His agenda included hitting downtown and the sights...we spent several hours doing that and talking the whole time...we actually had a lot in common and thought along the same lines on many things...After seeing the sights, we headed for a pub and a pint..I went to work a bit later and then found him waiting quietly and patiently for me afterwards....We went back to my house to see what you hooligans were typing, killed the wheat beer pr_capone had so lovingly provided, and he went home for his final respite in Big D...deaming of Apostate fun all round mateys....Well its been a while since March, but it feels like only yesterday I was imbibing fine spiritual food and yummy steak with many of my fine colleagues...good times...good times...Well lo an beyold mates...whot's in ye olde post frum Royal Mail taday? Blimey mates...its yer official Fox & Hounds patch..I reckon that makes me one kick ass British Biker eh guvs? Oh and also a cool CD of music from yer fair island...The Wurzels er greyt...*LOL* great drinking songs indeed...good on ya matey...thanks for the gifts, but I do av wun prob guv...I ain't got yer address, coz ya din put et wut yer envlope. Thinking of the good trucker from Bath w/warm regards and much gratitude...


    District Overbeer

  • Brummie
    The Wurzels

    oh geesh! Thats not typical English stuff BTW Listen to only when in a stoned state of mind and you might appreciate it.

    good lord Trucker ole boy, you are giving England a bad name chappie


  • Valis

    Oi! BTTT in hopes truck sees this thread...and maybe some of you blokes can help me till he does see it..


    District Overbeer of the "Fox & Hound" class

  • SpiceItUp


    on my visit to Spice up England..Trucker made a copy of the Wurzels for me as well....

    getting back home I had the chance to listen to it....really fun songs that made me think of They Might Be Giants....

    nothin I'd recommend for someone without a sense of humor

  • Beans

    Brother Bush, many of the brothers and sisters felt your spiritual bond as well. As we look back on the times we mould friendships in life it is not the outer shell that embraces the connection it is the train on the track within!

  • Englishman

    Oh dear..not The Wurzels? alt

    Sunny Weston super Mare, Drink up thy cider, I got a brand new combine harvester....(with apologies to Melanie) hmm... I can see it all now!

    OK, it's Friday night and Trucker is ALWAYS in the pub on Friday night, so I will inform of him of your posts, Valis.


  • SpannerintheWorks

    What are "The Wurzels" anyway? Ex-JW's who once wur zelous?


  • Valis

    Eman...thanks mate...cheers..

    Spicey...I like the CD too...

    *LOL* Spanner...they sound awfully happy and naughty if they are...


    District Overbeer

  • TruckerGB

    Valis me old fruit,glad everything arrive ok,I have just rolled in from the pub after being informed by Eman of the post,so will catch up with you when I can see the screen properly.

    Rock and roll,


  • Englishman


    I think I'll send Valis the Vindaloo song..


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