Kevin O'Leary Asked to Invest in Watch Tower Society of Pennsylvania - His Response
by berrygerry 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasanelder Once
OK, watched the clip. What's the point? Lost me. -
hahaha, Mr. Wonderful is quite the success w/ his Dragon's Den clone. Go Kev!
I can see him meeting with the WT now. As if !Good one, BG. :P
As I understand the op , Kevin could be saying to the Borg.something like this .
You send out more than 7 million people going from door to door every month ?
Spending millions of hours door-knocking ,?
And you get F*":#k all increase ?
Your CEO Jehovah should be sacked for incompetence .
Wasanelder Once, he is kind of a TV icon in Canada. Not only for Dragon's Den (precursor to Shark's Tank), but also as a financial advisor for years on the "O'Leary Report" (is that the show) on Canada's national public broadasting system, the CBC. (Really good documentaries, btw, and many on youtube - look for The Fifth Estate, CBC or Doc Zone).
These folks are venture capitalists; they are investing to make money, and qquickly. O'Leary's biting sarcasm is well-known, and his lust for Randism is legendary. He hams it up a lot for the camera. So a combination of his 'take-downs' of the entrepreneurs is yeah, kinda funny in the context of the b'Org presenting, looking for venture capital. -
gone for good
At 3:20 he gives 200 volts everytime the guy mentions the word 'Mall' in his pitch, and even more for mentioning the word 'Kiosk' ! both tired, dead, has-been business models.
Imagine the reaction any sane businessman has to the words 'Kindom Hall' and 'Literature trolley' hahaha !