Ebay Watchtower books

by QCA1 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • QCA1

    Hi Everyone

    Yesterday i was on ebay.com and started a book search, i saw Watch tower books(a massive collection) from the 1900s selling for around $8,000,i told my husband and he said someone should start there own cult up based on these teachings with the aim of bringing the watchtower down.

    Imagine it,the watchtower reading about this religion with it's old teachings about Christmas,the pyramids,aluminun,where jehovah resides,the cross,the princes return,and so on.

    So calling all apostates make it known that this is what is being revived,not literally of course, perhaps letters by the 100s being sent to the watchtower letting them know that this is what is going to happen and see what they do,give them a run for their momey.

    Just one of my darling husbands ideas he's full of them.


  • Gadget

    If you don't want to spend $8000 they sell for about three pounds each on ebay.co.uk

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Or, if you'd like to spend NOTHING to start your collection, see here:


    "Rust never sleeps!"

  • Gadget

    If you show a witness a print out from a computer, or something from a disk they are immediately going to think- apostate material, I shouldn't be looking at this because anything jw related on a computer is not from the society. Showing an original edition would wet their appetite and make them want to read it for themselves.

  • freedom96

    It could very well be the WTS itself that is bidding on the collection. They don't want that stuff out on the open market where we can get a hold of it.

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