We were having a conversation with a thinking Witness and spoke about the injustice in the organization. Specifically the fact that one can be disfellowshiped for something and the society then changes it’s teaching to agree with the belief held by the disfellowshiped person. However there is no apology and they are not automatically reinstated.
My problem is I promised him a list of such changed beliefs and my list is rather small.
Alternative service.
Organ transplants.
Higher powers.
Rape [to scream or not to scream].
Any additions to my rather meager list would be accepted with gratitude.
The "generation" Jesus spoke about did not start in 1914, but rather applies to the unholy group of people who would exist whenever the end comes.
Many blood fractions (derived from blood donations or from cow's blood like Hemopure) are acceptable if one's conscience permits.
Go back to the 1920's, and the WTS taught things like: Aluminum is not for Christians, but is the Devil's tool. Black people are genetically inferior, and their skin will change to a lighter tone after God's judgment day.
Go back to Russell's day: God's time of judgment is related to the dimensions of a certain Egyptian pyramid in Giza. Birthdays and Christmas are okay.
There are more, these are just a few off the top of my head.