Are you a vengeful person?

by Jayson 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jayson

    It has been said that "vengence is the bastard child of justice."

    Are you a vengful person? When someone hurts you, sometimes, do you hurt them back? Even avoiding someone is a kind of revenge. Sometimes perhaps the best revenge no?

    One saying that often confuses people is "all you have to do to kill your enemy is nothing."

  • Hamas


  • shamus


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I would have to say yes.

    I think the world would be a much kinder place if vengence against wrong doing was admistered. Too much time and effort is wasted making excuses for evil deeds and preaching forgiveness for the transgressors.

    I must admit I have a list of those that have "wronged" me. As time and opportunity present I will see to it that the scales are balanced.

    "Bastard child of Justice"? Works for me. Fear of vengeful reprisals on the part of victims might just make perps think twice before crossing the line.


  • Soledad

    no. Im more of the explosively angry type, where I can lose it for about 5 minutes, and then I completely forget about it afterwards.

  • rocketman

    I seem to want to get back at someone who wrongs me, and yet I usually manage not to attempt revenge. It's not easy sometimes.

  • freedom96

    In the bible God says "Vengence is mine."

    I would like to think that at times he directs us to do the vengence for him!

    I am not by nature a vengeful person, however I hate injustice, and those that intentionally cause me problems, I feel success is the ultimate revenge.

    I remember those who intentionally try to hurt me one way or another, and one day they will see that whatever they tried to do ultimately did not stop me in living my life and having fun doing it.

  • maxwell

    I don't believe I'm a vengeful person and I don't believe vengance is particularly helpful just to make myself feel better. It's hard to gauge exactly how to right the wrong and sometimes things can simply spiral into a tit for tat till things are out of control.

    On the other hand, I will not be taken advantage of twice. I usually try to give a person the benefit of the doubt when I first meet them. If they burn me, then I will only deal with them in a guarded way or not at all in the future. And I'm not one to take a beating or continual harm lying down. If someone is continually trying to harm me or my family or friends, then I will begin exploring and implementing ways to eliminate the harm legally, physically or otherwise.

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