Family stuck in "the truth"

by YellowLab 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • YellowLab

    I often find it difficult to not be able to share some of life's important moments with other family members still stuck in "the truth". I'm talking about the things that other people take for granted in this world. After fading away 8 years ago, I still struggle with having to turn off my feelings around my family, or keep quiet about certain things they might deem as "worldly". I have listed some of the things that affect me most:

    Not be able to celebrate Christmas as a family
    Not be able to have a birthday party
    Not be able to go out for Mothers Day brunch
    Not be able to exchange gifts on Mothers/Fathers Day
    Not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving as a family
    Not be able to send a birthday card
    Not be able to talk about what I've learned about the JWs since I've left
    Not be able to talk about fall decorations we've put up around the house
    Not be able to have an Easter dinner together

    It is sad how a religion can put up walls in my family and rob them of any possible joy in their lives. The only significant events I've seen in their life are meetings, field service, assemblies, district conventions, and the Memorial. There is no celebrating of anything, no exchanging of gifts, no finding happiness in life's simplest pleasures. Everything is sacrificed for "the truth": no marriage, no kids, no holidays, no retirement savings, and on and on. Their only hope is a "new world" they will never see.

    How many of you have similar feelings?


  • Aztec

    I know what you mean Yellow Lab. Last year my sister sent my mother a Mother's Day card anyway. She thought she deserved one even if she can't celebrate the day because she's a dub.

    To take a positive spin..I can celebrate all of the above mentioned holidays with my son and my sisters.


  • bikerchic

    I've had the same feelings about the things you listed. Now when I'm around my family, the ones that are still in, I just avoid certain subjects, like telling them I met a wonderful person on an apostate websight, then waiting until the last minute to let them know I was packed and moving out of state to marry him. Course they still don't know Craig is an evil apostate, or me either. Time wil tell, but for now it's for their own good I don't tell them things eh?

    It does really suck doesn't it! But whats worse is hearing them complain about HAVING to go to an assembly, meeting or out in service, such joyful people the happy gods people aren't. LOL


  • pamkw

    I feel the same way. There are so many things I can't talk about, like the great books I have been reading about religion, or the friends I have on the net (all are xjws). Even small things like saying how happy I am in my life, and how blessed I feel is a shock to them. I tell them that anyway, just to see my mom give me the eyebrow. Having to keep the conversation so generic is hard. I really don't have anything to talk to my mom or sister about. So we talk about the weather and the high price of gas and my son's grades in school. Nothing that may bring an emotional response.

    They just dont know what they are missing.


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    the sad thing about this is the JW's view all this as "pagan".

    when the real reason people celebrate these things is to be together with family and loved ones.

    I will bet no one person on this earth thinks at Christmas time "well its time to be pagan again"

    Just another pathetic rule by the Watchtower, the old saying is true, they just don't understand what it's all about.

    How can people sacrifice their whole life ??? what am I saying, I was the same way at one time, luckily tho most of us are out.

    There is a great saying in life, "You can't pick your neighbors, and you can't pick your parents"

    Unfortunately thats just the way it goes.

  • breal

    I find it sad that even the most precious milestones in life cannot be shared ... weddings, babies, graduations...

    Even just the day to day stuff that normal families do together like sitting down to a meal.

  • badwillie

    I agree it sucks bad. I know I shouldn't care but I still do. When I walked away from the Borg almost 2 years ago my baby boy was only one year old. Seeing how he's grown and the funny things he does day to day still makes me feel empty sometimes. I have a natural desire to share his life with the people who once meant something to me. I see now how cold hearted they really are. It's all their loss...but I hurt sometimes thnking of what they're missing.

  • Spudinator

    I know what you mean. No joy in so many ways, and no way to express it if you by some miracle happen upon any. I like the way you mention that everything is sacrificed on the Altar of the "Truth." Absolutely no payback for all those years invested. What a waste.

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