I often find it difficult to not be able to share some of life's important moments with other family members still stuck in "the truth". I'm talking about the things that other people take for granted in this world. After fading away 8 years ago, I still struggle with having to turn off my feelings around my family, or keep quiet about certain things they might deem as "worldly". I have listed some of the things that affect me most:
Not be able to celebrate Christmas as a family
Not be able to have a birthday party
Not be able to go out for Mothers Day brunch
Not be able to exchange gifts on Mothers/Fathers Day
Not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving as a family
Not be able to send a birthday card
Not be able to talk about what I've learned about the JWs since I've left
Not be able to talk about fall decorations we've put up around the house
Not be able to have an Easter dinner together
It is sad how a religion can put up walls in my family and rob them of any possible joy in their lives. The only significant events I've seen in their life are meetings, field service, assemblies, district conventions, and the Memorial. There is no celebrating of anything, no exchanging of gifts, no finding happiness in life's simplest pleasures. Everything is sacrificed for "the truth": no marriage, no kids, no holidays, no retirement savings, and on and on. Their only hope is a "new world" they will never see.
How many of you have similar feelings?