When people hand out religious flyers, which a young man did today, I feel annoyed, like a salesman trying to hock his wares when I don't need what he's selling.
The young man and the church he represented were a lot less intrusive with their ministry than JW's, though. That's why it angers me to know that JW's go out of their way to disrupt peoples lives with a bogus religion at the prodding of the likes of the WTS. It's like a Yugo car salesman knocking on doors telling people how good the company is.
I'm really saddened to see JW's still walking to the doors, sitting at fast food joints for their "break" on Saturdays, still following the demented old bastards of the WTS, and selling their 'Yugos'. Which bring me to my point; I'm annoyed by religion. I don't want anything to do with it. I was always annoyed by people peddling religion, even before I became a JW, and now. I made a mistake, and fell for the 'Yugo' that was offered to me. The 'Yugo' was presented and packaged in a way that made me feel as if I would be stupid to not accept it. "If it's too good to be true......." Well, I was a sucker and learned the hard way.
Hmmm. Ironically, I find myself agreeing with ol' "Booze" Rutherford. Religion certainly can be a "snare and a racket."
"cults suck"