Hey there - I noticed in a post you responded to Amazing that you still live near Hanford. So do I - e-mail me - maybe we know each other??
To drwtsn32
by Dawn 5 Replies latest jw friends
Amazingly, dwrtsn32 also starred in a FOX animated creation called Family Guy, playing an irreverant little dude named Stewey (or is it Stewie? or Stewy?).
Dawn: you have been emailed.
Rocketman: I only wish I had the skills of Seth McFarlane (the creator of Family Guy who is about my age). I watch the reruns all the time on Cartoon Network and purchased the DVD set. I'm pathetic, yes, but if you knew I also watched Knight Rider reruns I'd be even more embarrassed.
Dawn, I'd watch out about that watson fellow; he plays with his...computer!
he plays with his...computer!
Sniff... I don't have any friends. Will you be my friend?
Hi there. I e-mailed you back! Too cool to find someone from this area.
I just got in touch with Amazing on Friday and found out that he also went to my old congregation a long time ago and knew my father - what a small world!