The Watchtower engages in commerce, sells stock thru brokerages, trains or retains lawyers, uses 'blame the victim'
tactics in court, protests to various governments, seeks tax exemptions, holds millions of dollars in banks and
constantly fends off lawsuits in legal actions.
Yet, somehow they are "no part of the world" ??????
Doesn't simple logic ever scream out to them "You most certainly ARE part of the world!"
Nevertheless, most Witnesses don't vote or engage themselves in the political process.
BUT tens of millions in the US - in some cases, THE MAJORITY of eligible voters DON'T vote.
Additionally, most Americans have little interest in the political process - and declining interest
in current events. Also, strikes and the fervor for unions have declined.
So, are most people - hundreds of millions - actually "no part of the world" by reason of lack of interest
in 'worldly' politics? Is most of the world around you 'no part of the world'?
Given this silliness, is it any wonder that the organization will hunt down Witnesses who vote (and disfellowship them)
yet, cover up elders involved in concealing child molestation?
And regarding pagan customs - that the Bible condemns
Does logic ever inform Witnesses that any pagan customs the Bible condemns were components
of active, existing religions that competed with Judaism or Christianity? That such rival religions no longer exist?
How many Druids or Baal worshipers are there in your neighborhood, anyway?
The names of the days of the week ( Mo-onday, SUN-day) and months ( August-us, ) honor pagan deities.
Wanna abandon the calendar? Early (idiotic) Watchtower loyalists wanted to do so!
Is a day honoring your Father or Mother inherently wrong or inherently pagan? Are such things even religious?
Is using Trigonometry ( derived from pagan Greek philosophy- Pythagoras) or algebra ( from Islam)
any more pagan than honoring someone else with a gift on a particular day?
These things are why Jesus condemned the hypocrites of his day for 'straining out the gnat while swallowing camels'.
Such things are an effective DISTRACTION. They enable Witnesses to look at themselves as righteous - while "they
consider[ed] the rest as nothing" - doomed to Armageddon. They encourage the pitiful attitude of most JW's in ignoring
charity and simple brotherhood - while imagining themselves as the Favored of God - in-between swallowing
their Paxil and Prozac prescriptions and wondering why little Johnny doesn't want to go to meetings anymore.