God's Representative on Earth

by RunningMan 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    I just finished reading the following article about protests in Iran: http://www.globeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20030616.wayah616/BNStory/International/

    Associated Press

    Tehran — More than 250 university teachers and writers added their voices to students' bold demands for democratic reforms in Iran, telling supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei he must answer to the people and abandon the idea that he is God's unchallenged representative on Earth.

    The reformists' statement, published Monday in the newspaper Yas-e-nou, was an encouraging sign for the students who demonstrated for about a week and even called for Ayatollah Khamenei's death before their protests were broken up by police and hard-line government backers.

    I was struck by the significance of this phrase.

    The idea that some second rate tyrant from an insignificant country could seriously claim to be God's unchallenged representative on earth is so totally preposterous that, when viewed from a distance, it is almost laughable.

    But, isn't that exactly what the society claims - to be God's unchallenged representative on earth?

    Do JWs look this stupid when viewed objectively?

  • Francois

    Um, yes, it does smack familiar doesn't it?

    Sounds just like a fifth-rate micro-minority religious cult we know of who thinks it speaks for god, don't it?

    Come to think of it, each and ever side in a war thinks God is with them. I'm sure you remember the Nazis. On their belt buckles was engraved "Gott mit uns." Not difficult to translate that even if you don't speak German, what?

    I predict the WTBTS will be hearing "Get away from me, I never knew you" sometime or other. What do you think?

  • crownboy

    It's amazing that and omnipotent god needs some half crazy guy(s) to represent him on earth to begin with. You'd think Mr. All Powerful could deal with us without any mediators (especially mediators who ask you to more or less treat them as you would "the big guy" ), but as someone else said on another thread similiar to what is being discussed here, perhaps god is too busy watching football on a big screen TV to be fully involoved here.

  • Mary
    Do JWs look this stupid when viewed objectively?

    Only by non-JWs.

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