W H-
Jayson, it all boils down to politics. No matter who is President, the ones who oppose him will always talk against him.
I agree with you 100%. They always show the worst of each other that's the M. O. of politics and propaganda. Remember Bush saying in the debates "This is what I have. If you like it vote for me. If you like what he has vote for him." Personally I think both had nothing. But I like the one liner just the same.
This era of political armchair quarterbacking is different. It is Europe that is the one instigating the bickering endlessly. I think their ideology is on the line. They seem unable to stop. It's not their own countries or leaders that they bitch about. It's the USA, their leader, and US affairs they whine like a tantrum throwing brat without breathing about. As if anything, much less everything is perfect in their neck of the woods. One sign of pathological jealousy is when you tear down someone else or someone else's country without even trying to deal with the things in your own. In the UK they participated in the Iraqi war. No doubt some of their leaders will pay for that. It's their business. But they just can't stop acting as if they have a say in US affairs. The BBC reports more about US and formation of attitude than anything else. It's boring. We arn't the sheeple they claim us to be.
I posted this article by Karl Zenmister on another thread. It is worth reading. Opposition tries to blame opinion journalism and editorial news for the drop in other news sources and networks. But the truth is that there has always been media spin. And that spin has been predominate to the left. What's new is when a network or journalist tells you it is giving an opinion as well as the news. Not claiming facts without prejudice while giving spin and political bias. But instead their opinion of the facts as they see it. The BBC just fails to grasp that difference. As does their viewers. At least that is my opinion of the BBC from what I have seen of it on TV. I understand the outcry that Fox has propaganda on it. I agree. But the BBC is not free of propaganda. And it does not tell the viewer the difference. I do not trust the BBC because their lies have been exposed and they still continue to promote them. Realist still believing that the Iraqi museum has been looted of all it's artifacts is a case in point. Someone please wake him.
It's sad how everything as far as mudslinging and scandals have slid off Bush. Maybe I should say how desperate the bush detractors are. Would they sell their soul for a scandal? I think they might have already.
I hear ya. Show me a 3rd party that is worth voting for and can win and I am with you. Jessie V is giving up. Did you ever read his book "Do I Stand Alone?" If not read it. Larry Elders also rocks. And the one book of his I have read "The Ten Things You Can't Say In America is worth having. If he ran for office he has my vote.