WT's tremendous humantarian aid efforts!
by badwillie 8 Replies latest jw friends
This is what boils my precious blood...
That the Watchtower talks out of both sides of their ass.
How can they claim to be such 'humanitarians' and then at the very same time, hold conventions and meetings DENOUNCING THIS WORLD AND IT'S "WORLDLY PEOPLE", print massive amounts of LITTERATURE doing the same denouncing and 'terrorizing' and then!....
Go door to door ACTING AS IF they truly care about this world and IT'S PEOPLE!??
Help me sort this out and comprehend it fully, please. I surely want to 'make sure of all things', so someone, please EXPLAIN THIS INSANITY to me.
Thank you and GOOD LUCK!
07.25.01 Thousands of volunteers flood Houston There are just under 54,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in the Houston area and just over 6 million worldwide.
Really?? That's like 50% of the total # of JWs in ALL of Canada.
BTW: Conspicuous by its absence is any mention of humanitarian relief on or after 9/11/01 in New York City.
Love, Scully
And 'lettuce' not forget THE LETHAL POLICIES that Watchtower and JARACZ enforce, THROUGH 'LITERATURE' AND TWISTED DOCTRINE, daily.
Just thinking of the collasel hypocrisy and it's consistent contradictions of this organization and how daily they are ALLOWED to continue on as if they are some type of altruistic 'Force' here on earth is a complete travesty.
Hey Alan and Farkel and all you guys who have picked apart the Watchtower's policies and doctrines...why aren't you begging media to interview you to get this stuff OUT TO THE PUBLIC; OFF NET? Online is good. It has gotten out everywhere on the superhighway. Now, why aren't you taking what you know and ADVERTISING IT?
Are you even aware of what I 'do' with all of your guys (stuff)? No, I'm not asking if you care. I painstakingly paste every word, every link into chatrooms. I take news articles re: jws and do same. I print them up and PUT THEM OUT ALL OVER TOWN. I email so much of 'all things Watchtower', it's not funny.
So yes, there are some of us who are thankful for your time and effort guys. But you simply have got to 'do' MORE to get this out to the masses, IMHO. Most media and such want it straight from the author.
Yet, they receive an award for a video that we all know was bogus and now this humanitarian shit.
S T O P T H E I N S A N I T Y ! !
[...] a relief committee was formed to organize repair work on the 625 homes of Witnesses that were damaged.
Humanitarian aid limited to JWs, so only the JWs are "human". My biology teacher will love this.
How about their "International award" for their EXCELENCE on protecting children":
For Immediate Release
May 14, 2003"Protect Your Children" gets international recognition
Tonight the public service announcement Protect Your Children received international recognition at the World Media Festival in Hamburg, Germany, where it was given the Gold Award for its overall excellence. Additionally, a second public service announcement entitled Teach Your Children received a Silver Award.
These 30- and 60-second public service announcements are part of an ongoing effort by Jehovah's Witnesses to bring attention to Bible principles that can help people deal with some of the most complex social issues of our time. These and similar announcements have been broadcast over 17,000 times on approximately 200 stations in the United States. In addition, a few international media outlets have already played the messages as well.
The World Media Festival is a global competition with participants from more than 20 countries representing some of the most respected organizations in the world such as ABC, CBS News, Microsoft, Orion, Universal Studios, Volkswagen, and BMW.
Media contact: J. R. Brown, telephone: (718) 560-5600
Note that their Satanic media - ABC and CBS News - are suddenly most respected organizations.
Ohh, what a beautiful WT propaganda!
Now, I bet if 2 or 3 elders organize themselves to provide help for the homeless, the sick, the disabled etc., they would be severely counseled against it. But if there is a WT seal of approval, then it's fine! It makes for good propaganda.
Hmmmm, no one?
LOLOLOLOL I seriously didn't think anyone could explain the Insanity to me in terms I...and you know me Alan...I could fully comprehend. You could at least give it a try though.
But remember, good luck in doing so.
Good Observation OB!
I remember way back when they would say that they responded to crisis' before the world's humanitarian aid arrived. Truckloads upon truckloads.
Why wasn't it publicized? They would use the verse...."what your right hand does, don't let your left hand know" (something like that).
I wonder how much they really gave to the poor?
Go door to door ACTING AS IF they truly care about this world and IT'S PEOPLE!??
Why yes.... they love everyone Scally
They even have a book called " the bible- a book for all mankind"
What they really mean is......"if one of our people doesn't direct you through the bible.....your shit outta luck"
That's the pisser....hearing them speak bullshit lies.