Breaking News!!

by ignored_one 4 Replies latest social humour

  • ignored_one

    Christ Returns For Some Of His Old Things
    JERUSALEM—After being away for nearly two millennia, Jesus Christ triumphantly returned Monday to pick up some of His old belongings. "I realize this isn't exactly how the world's Christians were imagining it, but I left a really comfortable pair of sandals in Galilee, and I wanted them back," said Christ, who died for our sins. "Also, I'm pretty sure I lent [Apostle] Simon Peter my best goblet at the Last Supper." This marks Christ's first return since 76 A.D., when he thought he'd forgotten to turn off his coffee pot.

    You gotta love the Onion.

    Ignored One.

  • teenyuck


    I am surprised he didn't go for his shroud...

  • rocketman

    the Onion is always good for a laugh!

  • ignored_one


    If you want the uk equivilent.

    Ignored One.

  • garybuss

    Reminds me of the book New Pair Of Glasses by Chuck Chamberlain. Chuck was putting on a seminar at Palo Alto California at a Catholic monastery and he was called from the platform to take a important phone call. When he got back he said, "Well, there's good news and there's bad news.".

    Someone in the audience asked what it was. Chuck said, "The good news is, Christ has returned". The Jesuit priest in the audience asked, "What's the bad news?". Chuck said, "The call came in from Salt Lake City.".

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