It's hotter than a firecracker here... just wondering what the weather is like today in your part of the world / country on this beautifuyl june 17, 2003, and, for those in the UK, jUNE 18, 2003.
What's your weather like today? FLUFFY!
by shamus 5 Replies latest jw friends
US - North Carolina - Freaking rain, just like every day for the past two weeks!
< central Virginia here! TWO WEEKS! Lucky worldlygirl! Try only 6 week ends of ANY sunlight in the whole of 2003! This is the worst year I can remember. We are having flash floods and tons of damage. gardens are failing, old trees are falling down. bugs are coming in the house, snakes are climbing trees! I really think the Nazi scientists discovered how to control the weather and it is a government conspiracy.
It was a fantastic sunny day yesterday, UK, getting a good start on summer for once!
Ravyn, are you scared? Do you think maybe it's Armageddon? Now, do you wanna be a JW again?
LOL...sorry. That's what my JW ex-wife called me at work to say, on 9/11/01.
Maybe you and wordlygirl are gettin broke in for a move to our wonderful Pacific NW (Portland, OR here), eh?
Kate and I have seen the full-day sun (including today, 85) here for almost a whole month so far this year...and she lived in Palm Springs for most of her life.
That'll teach her to cyber-stalk LOL
Heatwave goin' on here!...Loving every minute!!!!