What does freedom in Christ mean?
Freedom in Christ
by amac 5 Replies latest jw friends
wll that depends on who you are asking frist of all. That question would have meaning to some and scorn from others. If you were asking an elder he would probably tell you that when we "give ourselves to christ" it gives us a sense of freedom, peace or tranquility. That "freedom" is something that they believe comes from that imperfect, deranged body of bethelites that call themselves "anointed". i have other views on it. I do not believe that freedom comes from christ and it isnt something that anyone or anything can give you. It is something that is self-taught. It was this way for every type of slave or bound servant over the many years of human existance. Those slaves grew tired of being subservient to anyone. The patriots rebel against a status quo. Freedom, true freedom comes from within. So not sure if i answered yer question or not...so the answer i guess would be that the phrase "freedom in christ" doesnt mean much if anything...it depends on who is answering that...
I have a "sermon" on that subject on Real Audio at:
Also an interesting read at:
Net Soup!
Thanks for the links Randy!! I haven't had a chance to read them but I will make a point of it.
You are probably better off with Randy..lol..but I can tell you what is has meant for me... It has been a release from fears and man's teachings that put heavy burdens on me. It is the ability to read the bible and see the truths in it without needing doctrines of men. It is the freedom in my faith that makes me not a slave to sin but alive to God. I know that whatever I may do if it comes from faith is not sin. It is a personal freedom. It has been a blessing deep in my soul to know that I do not have to please man in order to be approved by God. I still see many people in many different religions held in a spiritual bondage...ie: Do this, Don't do that! Say this! Don't say that! Don't touch that! Don't drink that or eat that! Do this on this day or that day! Don't do that on this day.........etc...it goes on forever, doesn't it? I am not able to accurately put into words, the depths of the freedoms I feel. It is an assurance of God's too. Nah, i did it no justice...lol...go read Randy's links...
I know that whatever I may do if it comes from faith is not sin.
Has there ever been a more dangerous sentiment expressed?
I share the same sentiment that DJ expressed.
For me it was freedom from guilt. I'm not afriad of "Armageddon" anymore - I'm not afraid of committing that "unforgivable sin". I know that I screw up - but I try my best and as long as I have a sincere heart and ask for forigivness, I WILL be forgiven.
As a JW I never understood the scripture "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" - I knew the JW line on it, but it didn't really make sense. Now I know what it means. Freedom from fear and guilt - as Jesus said, I came to give life and life to the fullest.