From 7 years ago
7 years ago
Besides, if the WTS went non-print, what the heck would all the dubs push from door to door?
Single leaf tracts, like is becoming the trend.
7 years ago
they are already making it clear that their are costs incurred at their download site, so they will still convince the dubs to provide an income stream even without the printed version. They can then burn and place a cd version with the public. The ability to generate cash flow with printed material becomes more and more of a challenge. They will not have to print out the literature because what ever technology (i-pods) or whatever is\are required will be purchased by the rank and file when instructed to do so. In the past for example many did not purchase dvd players, either because members did not feel they could afford, or want that in their homes, but as soon as the society started producing dvd's they all got the dvd players.
7 years ago
Each congregation will eventually be asked to consider switching to electronic download for the kool-aid WT. Then someone - likely an eager to please brother hoping for appointment at the next CO visit - will be assigned to print the magazine out for the congregation. This will, of course, go on to save the WTS millions.