that you could now go back and confront or "speak" with who would it be.
During my Df'ing there was actually 4 elders, 1 had to leave during the process due to a medical reason with the family, 1 I really had not issue with, and 1 was a life long friend of the family who's daughter was Df'd by my father. The other however, man I would love to be able to just debate with this guy. He flat out lied 4 X's during the proceeding and I busted him everytime, nothing was done and nothing was said. He was a younger elder, who's younger brother was Df'd, this guy just thought he was king of the hill and all that. It was a total power trip for him and the more I jammed him or questioned him or his movtives for lying the more "it was on between us" - yeah I lost that battle. Difference is now having been out for years and grown as I have, well I would really enjoy another face to face, he would not be able to bully me around as he did then! I told him all those years ago that the way he treated his two sons they would rebel. Found out just this past weekend the one son was Df'd <-- I am truely sorry for both of this son's as his father is an ass, overbearing, control freak and it's just sad that so many kids are lost to this. Well, just had the thought running through my head and wondered about you guys and what kind of stories would come about.
Don't get me wrong there are plenty but due to the obvious, he would have to be the one.