That Generation sheeesh !!!!!

by johnathanseagull 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • johnathanseagull

    Hi all

    Taken that this a statement taken from the Official site of the dubs, (checked today), do you think

    a) They are typically misleading the public?

    a) They haven't got around to changing it yet ( was this site set up after the 1995 change) or

    c) have I missed something and the generation is back on course

    "How long a time period would these last days prove to be? Jesus said regarding the era that would experience the "beginning of pangs of distress" from 1914 onward: "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur." (Matthew 24:8, 34-36) Thus, all the features of the last days must take place within the lifetime of one generation, the generation of 1914. So some people who were alive in 1914 will still be alive when this system comes to its end. That generation of people is now very advanced in years, indicating that there is not much time left before God brings this present system of things to an end."


  • xjw_b12

    John. Yes I am surprised that statement is still there, especially after they have removed a paraphrase of it from the Awake mag.

    Be interesting to see how long it stays there now !

  • Hamas


    I guess they will come out soon and say that THEY didn't put it there, it was simply overzealous brothers HACKING the societys website because they SO wanted to preach Jehovah's message.... It wasn't THEIR fault

  • Brummie

    Howdy JS, was wondering how things were with you.

    Strange that this is still on the web site, I guess the GB are so old now they just forget what they still teach and what they have long since dashed. It must get confusing fer them the old blighters.

    Good to see you here mate.


  • dmouse

    Yep, some pesky 'old light' cluttering up the system. I wouldn't imagine it will stay there long now. I bet the Bethel monitors for this site will be putting in a report very soon.

    On the other hand, many old-timers found the 'new light' very difficult to swallow so they might be deliberately causing some confusion until the old dears die off.

  • truthseeker1

    So, it looks like the new date is 2034 to be the deadline of ARMAGEDDON!! 1914+120. After that, most of the people who believed the generation thing will have died and that part of the cult won't matter anymore. They do have a good system ya know. Make your predictions of the end 50 years apart and each generation won't really remember/care that the previous prediction failed.

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