My Command Sergeant Major called me in to his office today...asked me if I liked Fort Jackson...I'm being assigned (in October) to the NonCommissioned Officer Academy as a small group leader for the Advanced NonCommissioned Officer's Course (ANCOC) that's the course you have to take when you make Sergeant First Class (E-7), the one I just graduated from. I've only been in this job since 1 May. Guess I'm locked into post for another two years. It's a good job, great for getting promoted, a real honor, but I miss being in the real army.
I Can't keep a Job, Geez
by Yerusalyim 7 Replies latest jw friends
refiners fire
Here in oz a lot of guys when they leave the army after a long time in service, go into either the prisons system as guards or into security jobs. Is it the same over there? My brothers a screw at Silverwater jail, he was in the army 15 years, about.
We seem to have a lot of guys go into law enforcement, some become teachers (like me) others become door greeters at Wal-Mart.