Some Inside Stuff RE: Imports from China - WOW

by RubaDub 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    As some of you know, I still remain, for the time being, a bit under the radar for family reasons so I'm being a bit general in nature.

    Ms. Rub a Dub is intimately involved with purchases, sales and compliance issues and when dealing with commercial and at times government contracts under Homeland Security. As such, she is "in the loop" so to speak and receives communications daily on what is changing where.

    About 30 minutes ago, she came out of her little office and said, wow, I just got my daily report and noticed that China has just raised the price on exports of medical items by 25%, even on contracts that are under production. She said immediately, the US then eliminated all tariffs on medical-related items to at least lower the prices somewhat.

    I didn't get the details since she got another call and is still on it but I have to say, the Chinese play hardball. When they smell blood in the water, they are real bastards.

    I will supply more details later.

    I say bring the production of pharmaceutical items back to Puerto Rico where it thrived for many years. I'll pay an extra quarter for a box of aspirin.

    Rub a Dub

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Yep, heard that as well. They've been playing hardball with all of our medical supplies for a while now. Our medical system had to adjust a few weeks ago, hence why most systems are rationing even though they have months worth of supply, it's not going to last long enough. It's going to get rough, I'm expecting at some point, someone is going to point a gun at someone to get medical supplies and it's not going to be nice.

  • jonahstourguide

    Saw this on abc online in Australia

    Coronavirus update: US accused of 'modern piracy' after face masks diverted from Europe

    US accused of 'wild west' tactics to obtain protective gear
    The US has been accused of using "wild west methods" to obtain personal protective equipment to be used in the fight against COVID-19.
    In France and Germany, senior officials said the US was paying far above the market price for masks from China, on occasion winning contracts through higher bids even after European buyers believed a deal was done. Brazil's Health Minister reported a similar incident.
    Interior Minister for Berlin state Andreas Geisel said 200,000 face masks purchased by the German capital were suddenly diverted to the US en route from China, describing the diversion as "an act of modern piracy".
    "Even in times of global crisis there should be no wild west methods," Mr Geisel said in a statement.
    German officials confirmed that their delivery was seized at Bangkok airport and diverted elsewhere, without naming the perpetrator.
    The US has not responded to the accusation, but a DHS official said US companies and the Government have been paying above market price for much of the gear purchased overseas.
    The official, who requested anonymity to discuss the matter, said the US would not stop buying "until we have way too much" and could still be searching out protective gear abroad through August.
    "We've gotten our hands on every bit of it that we can," the official said


  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Printer ink. Phone covers. Tires. If you take out the chinese content there are few things we can have or more importantly repair

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