i cant wait for the new system
by stan livedeath 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lol is going to take 1000 years so it will take longer. -
i cant wait for the new system
...How Long Have You Been..
Waiting For The "New System"?!!
............... -
dont they just love the prospect of it, the dangling of the carrot in front of the nose of a ravenous donkey, shame they have all died and will eventually die sad and disappointed. -
I wouldnt mind looking like her! And I am a guy! :) -
Muddy Waters
Amazing how fast her hair can grow in a month, only to chop it all off a couple months later. Probably hard to find a good shampoo & conditioner in the new system. -
Muddy Waters
Are they appealing to vanity now? if so, that proverb sure fits - "... All is vanity and a striving after the wind..." -
Can you imagine how dull it will be without kids or our grandparents...sure everyone looks good but it will grate being with a bunch of self absorbed 21 yr olds forever....And without our memories ("neither will it come up into their hearts") and with new bodies in what sense our we ourselves still?? -
I remember when I believed this:( And I thought kids who believed in Santa were silly. -
Nathan Natas
but... I'm a DUDE, Dude!
Isn't it odd how the JW paradise is an eternal free-lunch counter in which they never again have to lift a finger for anything because Jah-El, our of gratitude for a few years of their PURE WORSHIP, will feed these dub-tubeworms to time indefinite.