Astro-theology and dates concerning Jesus the moon god?

by Crazyguy 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazyguy

    I have done a lot of research over the years in to Jesus and how he related to other older gods and Astro-theology. Many who have looked in to this before me have stated that Jesus is a retelling of a son god. They talk about Horus and quote scriptures where Jesus is alluded to being the Sun of god as much as the Son of god. I even read some one that stated if you replace the word Son with Sun in the New Testament it will all make sense.

    History has shown that the early church wanted to make Jesus part of the Sun worship putting his birth on December 25th and making him part of a trinity which has already been shown to be a pagan idea going way back.

    I have also noticed that the writtings about Jesus seem to have attributes to other deities around the area where he was to be worshipped. Connections with Dyonisus, Mithras, and Osiris can be made. There can also be a connection made with older deities such as Inanna and Tammuz.

    But there has always been issues with some of the story of Jesus and numbers associated with him. For example do to saturnalia and sun worship by the Romans they put his birth at December 25th when the sun is resurrected. Ok that makes sense but people like those that wrote Zeitgeist mention the sun dying on the 21 and resurrecting on the 25. Makes sense but this happens to Jesus around the spring equinox, not in December. I’m not saying Jesus isn’t represented as the Sun but what about the moon? Could these numbers be tied somewhere else other then the Sun or the zodiac sign of the fish (Pisces)? Why did he die at 33 and why did he die and then was resurrected after 3 days. Here is an interesting idea , could it still be related to Astro theology and this time the moon? He is more closely associated with the lunar deity Osiris then a solar one like Horus or Shamash.

    So heres my therory on his being killed at 33. The lunar calendar is shorter then the solar calendar by a few days each year and in order to be reset it correctly, they change it every 33 years. Killing the calendar so to speak. Jesus is killed right after the full moon or on the full moon and then is dead for three days and nights before being resurrected. The new moon is a cycle of approximately 7 days (Passover?) and during that new moon cycle the moon is not visible for about three days. Of course his Sun side still has to be involved so when he’s resurrected on the third day it’s also near the time of the spring equinox when the days are now longer then the nights and the growing season can start once again saving mankind from certain death. I can not find any other reasons that make sense as to why Jesus was killed at 33 and dead for three days in the spring. Other deities have been killed and resurrected after three days and I have never been able to make a connection that made sense. Could this moon idea be the correct one? They don’t call me crazy for nothing. Your thoughts please!

  • cofty

    Have you read Richard Carrier's book "On the Historicity of Jesus"?

  • Crazyguy

    I have listened to him speak several times and like what he has to say but I don’t think I’ve heard him explain exactly his ideas on these numbers etc.

    I would also like him to explain why he doesn’t think the immaculate conception virgin birth sons of god the pharaoh, Scenes carved in to the temple at Luxor or not that and why he thinks so.

  • scratchme1010
    I can not find any other reasons that make sense as to why Jesus was killed at 33 and dead for three days in the spring.

    It could also be that that's when people had it with him, and nothing more.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I don't think his death age signified anything in particular but the absence of a biography of Jesus between the age of twelve to thirty, if memory serves right was a direct parallel with Horus myth.

    When looking at the mythos behind a story it is probably best to know what the key signifiers were in the first place. To fulfill solar myth the hero's death had to be at the time of "the cross" i.e. when the Sun's path (the ecliptic) crosses the equator at the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere.

    In the matter of Sun gods and their offspring the moon does not usually figure and neither does thirty three years. The moon gods were usually feminine-- although in the Levant there were many exceptions including Yahweh who was a Canaanite male moon god, with his regular curved horns relating to the crescent Moon. The other element for the Moon would be its shorter periodicity not relating to the whole astronomical cycle of the solar year which would be the Sun god's rightful period.

    Another reason to exclude the Moon as a type for JC was that the son of the Sun god was "the exact representation of his very being". How perfectly true this was, as each morning it was witnessed by the ancients who saw in a glorious winter sunrise over the Nile, the rising Sun god and his perfect reflection in the water below.

    The fact that the Sun 'dies' for three and a half days I suggest is applied as a literary device to simply signify that the hero character who goes through this process (Odysseus and JC etc) was a mighty god like person. He is not required to do it as the same time as the actual Sun does.

  • Crazyguy

    Just an update; but yes I have found that the moon does indeed seem to die after the new moon for threes days. Older moon deities were male but in time many became female or were replaced with a feminine goddess or were the daughter of the moon god. Mary being a copy of Ishtar an older moon deities daughter.

    A woman’s cycle is usually at about the same 28 day cycle as the moon. This again has all the makings of the fertility aspect of these fertility religions.

    The early Christian Church wanted to inculcate all the aspects of all the fertility ideas from older religion. Jesus was born in the house of bread, Bethlehem. Was the light of the world Sun of god born on December 25 the rising and rebirth of the Sun. He saves mankind from the cold dark winter by being sacrificed but is resurrected when the sun takes over the night on the spring Equinox.

    Add in some of the Greek ideas of fertility and you have the Easter celebration with Easter eggs and bunny rabbits.

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