In our local pub, we often get a visit from a young man whom I shall call Terry. Quite a few posters may have come across Terry at last years 'fest in Weston.
Terry is a nice enough lad, amiable and friendly although he does drink too much occasionally. The thing is, Terry has severe learning difficuties. Really severe, he couldn't tell you his address, he can't read at all nor can he tell the time. However, the locals accept him for what he is and treat him kindly. Terry will never be able to work simply because he can't remember what task he has been asked to perform. He will forget within seconds, although he does remember people and their names.
I've known Terry since he was 5 years old. He's now 22 and interested in girls to quite a degree. Recently Terry met a girl who also has medium learning difficulties and they became an item. The relationship advanced and engagement to marry became a possibility. However the friendship was brought to an abrupt end by the lady, so that appeared to be an end to the matter.
A few weeks ago Terry took up with another lady with similar problems and the term "engagement" is being mentioned again.
Obviously, we all want Terry to have his rightful share of happiness, but we are curious as to how it would be possible for a couple with such difficuties to cope with marital responsibilities. Simply cooking a meal is an impossibility for them. How would they cope if children were born?
I wondered if anyone had come across a situation like this and could supply some input? I believe that Terry's parents would be supportive to a degree which could relieve financial problems BTW.
PS Terry's problems were caused by oxygen deprivation at birth, so there would not be any reason to expect problems with future children.