It is a statute to times indefinite for your generations in all your dwelling places, You must not eat any fat or blood at all. How does this apply to Jw? Would appreciate some input from anyone? thank you . nojw
? Exodus 3:17 , how does it apply?
by nojw86 6 Replies latest jw friends
It is a statute to times indefinite for your generations in all your dwelling places, You must not eat any fat or blood at all. How does this apply to Jw? Would appreciate some input from anyone?
Apparently, this is a command to JEWHebrews Witlesses, which like blood itself, cannot be accepted wholely, but needs a great deal of refinement first. Staying with appearances, as for the fat, this condems mostly all of them, as well as everyone else who eats meat.
I think you're referring to Leviticus 3:17.
You may be interested in reading what the Insight volume says about the matter of the prohibition on eating fat and blood:
*** it-1 813 Fat ***
Not incumbent on Christians.
After the Flood, when permission was given to Noah and his family to add flesh to their diet, nothing was stated regarding fat. (Ge 9:3, 4) However, the eating of blood was prohibited. This was more than 850 years before the Law covenant, with its prohibitions against the eating of both blood and fat, was made with Israel. In the first century C.E. the governing body of the Christian congregation confirmed the prohibition against blood as remaining in force for Christians. (Ac 15:20, 28, 29) As in the case with Noah and his family, however, nothing was stated concerning the eating of fat by Christians. Thus, the law against eating fat was given only to the nation of Israel.Reason for the law.
Under the Law covenant, both the blood and fat were looked upon as exclusively Jehovah’s. The blood contains the life, which only Jehovah can give; therefore it belongs to him. (Le 17:11, 14) The fat was viewed as the richest part of the flesh of the animal. The offering of the fat of the animal would evidently be in recognition of the fact that the best parts belong to Jehovah, who provides abundantly, and it would demonstrate the desire of the worshiper to offer the best to God. Because it was symbolic of the Israelites’ devotion of their best to Jehovah, it was said to smoke upon the altar as “food” and for “a restful odor” to him. (Le 3:11, 16) To eat fat, therefore, was an illegal appropriation of what was sanctified to God, an invasion of the rights of Jehovah. Eating fat would incur the death penalty. Unlike blood, however, fat could be used for other purposes, at least in the case of an animal that died of itself or was killed by another beast.—Le 7:23-25.Cheers,
I think it's a great testimony to medical science that we can now accomplish the fractional refinement of blood, taking out that part of it that contains the soul, and leaving the rest for us to transfuse.
I know you've all heard that if men had to carry a child and give birth that abortion would be a sacrement of the church?
Just as soon as one of those senile geezers on the GB needs a blood transfusion to save their miserable, rotten hides, there is going to be new light faster than you can say hypocrite.
I wonder if the human race will ever update its conceptualization of the nature and character of God? Even the most advanced of our faiths seem still to credence the ancient concept of God as a judge/accountant who was crazy about the smell of burning fat, and who got off on the sight of animal blood on his alter. The attempt to comport that concept with the concept held by Jesus of a loving father has resulted in some of the wildest examples of cognitive dissonance I've ever run across.
Oh well, we have no place to go but forward.
Francois, I have thought the same comments as you at times. I wondered about their "new light" as far as medical procedures go and the possibility of them "speeding up" their changes in the past if they or their family needed particular blood fractions or an organ transplant.
I've wondered that also about Jesus Christ. He supposedly mirrored his father perfectly, yet the personality of Christ is completely different than the violent God of the Isrealites. Christians love the man Christ was, but seem to forget the violence of Jehovah and the Christ of the future at Armageddon.
I have read your comments and thanks, Ozzie you are correct I did mean Leviticus 3:17. AS far as the Gb having had a need for a transfusion, whats to say they have not gotten one in the hush hush mode afterall look how old they are, older people do require careand procedures more often done to them, there are more shock waves coming from the tower everyday.
"Even the most advanced of our Faiths..."
Francoise my friend, which faith might that be??? Please expatiate!