I wanted to say a few words about the whole theist vs. atheist kind of arguments here, and suggest another way of looking at it which may put things into perspective.
I think as ex-JWs none of us want to see others fall into that same trap again, and depending on our perspective we'd want others to have the benefit of our experience. Honestly, I don't know if I fit under either category, but I do believe in "something beyond." All the same, I think often my atheist brothers (which is not to exclude those who are theists) and sisters say the things they do out of love. Granted it may not be with warm and fuzzy feelings, sometimes even the opposite, but I think their motive is for our welfare. For the believers I would say to not only look at that fact, but also your own reaction to it. Often the more scientific thinkers are only presenting their view in a matter of fact way to start with. Anyways, don't you agree that ultimately each person can only save themselves? I think too much talk in the way of form identification detracts from the spirit you're trying to embody..