Done out of love...

by Introspection 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Introspection

    I wanted to say a few words about the whole theist vs. atheist kind of arguments here, and suggest another way of looking at it which may put things into perspective.

    I think as ex-JWs none of us want to see others fall into that same trap again, and depending on our perspective we'd want others to have the benefit of our experience. Honestly, I don't know if I fit under either category, but I do believe in "something beyond." All the same, I think often my atheist brothers (which is not to exclude those who are theists) and sisters say the things they do out of love. Granted it may not be with warm and fuzzy feelings, sometimes even the opposite, but I think their motive is for our welfare. For the believers I would say to not only look at that fact, but also your own reaction to it. Often the more scientific thinkers are only presenting their view in a matter of fact way to start with. Anyways, don't you agree that ultimately each person can only save themselves? I think too much talk in the way of form identification detracts from the spirit you're trying to embody..

  • safe4kids

    Hey Intro, I appreciate your comments. If there is one thing I came out of the borg determined to do, that was to try to be open minded as much as possible. The borg trains us to believe that we know everything and that only one right answer is possible. Therefore, I try so hard now not to close my mind to other's beliefs, however repellent they may be to me (I'm speaking of religious and spiritual beliefs here). Never again do I want to be the type of person who is SURE they have all the answers. After all, once you're an "expert" on a subject, the learning process is derailed. For me, I never again want anything to do with any organization that insists on telling me what to think and feel or that tries to control me with fear and fear-based manipulation. What's out there? I have no idea but I feel very strongly that each individual has the right to search out answers and belief systems for themselves.

    Have a good one,

  • Frenchy

    I've been out of the loop for a while. In reference to your statement I do believe in "something beyond." What is is that you believe is beyond?

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • bonnie38

    I agree with safe4kids. I try to be very open-minded. Sometimes the discussions on this forum get heated, but I really enjoy reading and am learning alot from everyone's opinions.

  • Introspection

    Frenchy, I really don't want to detract from the main point of this thread which is to acknowledge that regardless of our beliefs we generally have good intentions. However, to answer your question I believe that "something" defies definition. I think there is something more to the mundane, everyday world which we can perceive but those who are more religious or poetic if you will may just use a different set of language to describe it compared to the scientists. If you're interested in the kind of stuff that's "up my ally", you might look at the thread under the Beliefs and doctrines forum with (ET quotes) in the subject.

  • Carmel

    Dear Safe4kids,

    Two thumbs up for you! The one thing leaving the "Mothership" and getting an eduction in the physical and biological sciences has taught me is to be humble about that which I think I know! It seems that many in the field of science fail to follow the very essence of scientific thought and that is to always be open to new data and be willing to look at reality by re-arranging the "facts". When we will only connect the dots in one pattern, we essentially close our minds to a wonderful plethora of meaningful and useful ideas and constructs.

    How little we in the west give credit to the eastern thinkers and how much of our lives are dependant upon the ideas and inventions of those belief systems that we openly reject on the surface. For instance do you know how many scientific concepts are a direct result of the scholars of Islamic thought? It would amaze you if you knew how much of western thought is and has been influenced by these humble souls who followed that nasty Mohammed.

    food for thought


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