***the mole*** I had my assembly this past weekend and i had to tell my story of a woman i spoke with. She was a mother standing alone in front picketing the assembly at the cow palace. her sign interested me so in great risk to my self i walked up to her and spoke with her. She told me that her daughter was baptised three years ago and was attending the same convention as me and that her daughter refused to let her see her grandchildren against their wishes. She stated the reason for this abuse was that she still celebrated christmas and that her ONLY daughter didnt want to see her and that the grandkids who are around ten and twelve years old where told not to see their nana anymore. the woman was in tears. i agreed with her that it was wrong for the daughter to do that. .......the org has poisened the minds of their people and has not seperated them to find truth but to find prejudice and ignorance. the org does not follow gods laws and christ rules but their own rules made up by misguided men. i was disgusted while i sat in the cow palace both saturday and sunday listening to the tripe they fed us...this woman is a innocent victim and her daughter will pay the price later for such a horrible act; for jehovah himself said do not be neglecting your father and mother but cherish them as they are your elders and givers of life....the mole
***the mole*** my assembly in san francisco
by the mole 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How was she picketing the assembly? Did she have signs or handing out leaflets?
Mr. Kim
Another bad story about the Borg-Org...........................
Yes, just more b.s.!
Not you, but the WTBTS!
She should have contacted a news media.