I was channel surfing to find something to watch while working on a book. I came in on the middle of an hour and half documentary on the Vice Network about JW's and child sex abuse. It looks very well done with several experts and a number of XJW's, including Barbara Anderson. I'm trying to figure out when it might be on again, I'll post a note if I find it. I want to watch the whole thing.
Vice Network showing a documentary on CSA
by JeffT 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Nathan Natas
Yes, JeffT, that is a repeat of "Crusaders" that showed last year, if memory serves.
I'm glad that the VICE network (it's a USA "cable" network, not on-the-air) found this documentary worthy of repeating. Perhaps a follow-up episode will be developed?
Well, the below is news from Canada...