Neighborhood covenants, that is.
In the U.S., many neighborhoods have covenants or rules that govern what a home owner can or can't do with his/her property/home. This keeps some people from painting their house neon blue, or building a half-assed skate board park in their front yard. Some covenants won't allow a child day care, or adult care facility, mainly because of the extra traffic they may bring. Some covenants won't allow halfway houses for criminals for obvious reasons.
My thought on this subject was to possibly add some additional rules to the covenant, such as "NO Soliciting" or any door to door activity. Just wondering if the local laws would allow such rules even if a whole neighborhood agrees to the rules. Will have to check on that one. I'm not even sure what my own 'hood covenant says. I know there is one, though.
Any on this forum live in a 'hood with a covenant, and what are your thoughts? The obvious question is, CAN WE LEGALLY KEEP 'HOVAHS OUT.