I talked with a Jehovah Witness and he told me that God only helped those who obeyed him, that it said somewhere in the bible. The discussion came when I told him about soldiers asking God for help. He said that God wouldn't listent to them because the soldiers knew they were sinning by killing and they kept on doing it. Where is this versicle where it says that God only helps those who obey him?
God Helps Everyone?
by ClassAvenger 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You should have asked where it says in the Bible that you can not be a soldier!
"Those who live by the sword will die by the sword" is one of their favorite scriptures to twist. I take it to mean people who live by violence.
Can't help you with the scripture you asked for, sorry!
matt 8:10-11
Jesus said that a Roman army officer had the greatest faith out of all those in Israel and was more than willing to help him. He used him as an example of gentiles that would be in heaven (11-13).
little witch
An excellent point star, and one I had never considered before.
I believe God loves us all, regardless of our position in life. For someone to think they have God's personal phone number is to be proud, exclusive, and downright silly.
I talked with a Jehovah Witness and he told me that God only helped those who obeyed him,
Of course that is patently wrong, there are many examples in the Bible of people like Jonah who did not obey God yet were helped by him. This account is imo only an allegory but it does serve to illustrate that God has other things in mind than whether or not someone strictly obeys him.
As for the question posed in the title of the thread, it is obvious that God does not help everyone in the way they would wish to be helped. Whether JW, Catholic, Muslim, Protestant, Jew or any other religious persuasion, God does what he chooses to do and when he chooses to do it.
The fact that people are not aware of the goals in the mind of God is not as important as the accomplishing of those goals.
God sure did not help Abel, even though Abel's offering was looked on with "favor"!
Cain got a personal conversation with God, twice. Abel was not warned to avoid Cain and was certainly not proteceted by God. Instead the murderer was protected from others, allowed to live, marry, have children, start a city. Seems God was on the side of the bad guy.
And what ever happened the the 'biblical rule' of an eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, and life for life.
Sort of leaves me with in a quandry; either the Bible is a myth or if that story is true, it does not pay to be in God's favor and I would not want to be if he is the kind of god that particular story portrays.
Atheism is beginning to look very attractive and comforting to me.
To me everything is sample. God does not care what job you do as long you have faith in him.
Faith in God is what is lacking in this world.
Faith in God is what is lacking in this world.
Faith in which God? Your God? But my faith in my God is what's lacking! If people stopped having faith in your God and had faith in my God, the world would be a better place. In fact, I think we should do away with all of those who have faith in your God who is not my God.
Wake up, Amen. There is way too much faith in God in the world. Faith in God is how world leaders justify acts of heinous violence; it's how they rationalize things like rape, torture, and genocide. It's the last thing we need more of.
OH,but god listen,s to the org. They are not sinning when they withhold blood from children and let them die.Adults have choices and voices,children do not.This is massive murder and parental allowed suicide A SIN.
talley, don't be silly. Cain was condemd to die after 900 some odd years.