I have spent the last few days in party mode due to my cousion getting married. This part of my family has some people that put richie rich to shame. The house they got married in was like an english garden equipted with waterfalls a symphony and live singers. Even the pool house (HOUSE you could live in it) was breathtaking. More booze than a bar and a wedding cake that was so cool. My cousion was absolutly beautiful as well. This wedding was like nothing I have ever seen, even on TV. Whats the coolest wedding any of you have ever been to?
What was the coolist wedding you've been to like?
by Jayson 9 Replies latest jw friends
Coolest.............My own! ............... Although we both had jaw ache by the end through extended long periods of smiling.
Lady Lee
MINE two years ago. We got married at a restored mansion, in the garden beside the river. We did exactly what we wanted to do
Only problem was that with the humidity it was far from cool -- +48
Getting married on a beach...which was what I did and having the Caribbean as a backdrop...
We went to a JW wedding years ago that had a cowboy theme and all the wedding attendants wore cowboy boots, even the bride wore white ones. the bridesmaids wore full peasant skirts and fluffy blouses. It was very cool.
The reception had country music, country dancing and beer on tap.
I wasn't " able " to attend this wedding, but a " friend " sent me pictures. It was not a jw wedding as you can tell !
The Ceremony:
Cutting the Cake:
Things went downhill, or uphill from there:
The Wedding Party:
First Dance !
Practicing the Threshold Carry:
Now that was a wedding !
A close friend of mine found an old high school sweetheart. He was married for over 20 years, and he got divorced, and looked up this high school girlfriend. Turns out she just got divorced too.
They hit it off after so many years. They got married in a church they attended when they were much younger.
Then off to the Ritz-Carlton hotel in a very nice area of Los Angeles. The most incredible reception I have ever seen. About 300 guests, and first class all the way.
Funny, I looked around, enjoyed myself with my wife and friends, and smiled thinking how special of a day for my friends, and how the WTS always taught how horrible these worldy things were. I looked around and saw no fights, no drunken idiots, no "bad" stuff. Just a lot of people celebrating the marriage of friends.
I still think the coolest wedding I've been to, was me and Mozzer's. There's a couple threads here somewhere with pictures, but we put a lot of work into making it very personal. It was a mix of Japanese, American, traditional, modern. We had a sake ceremony instead of a unity candle. We had lots of very modern music: everything from Radiohead, Sade, NineInchNails, The Verve. We had Japanese paper lanterns everywhere, bamboo as centerpieces. One of my bridesmaid's let me wear her blue Burmese goodluck charm pinned in my dress. I would say it's the most memorable day I've ever had!
When I saw that you had posted, Andi, I knew what you would say here.
We all got to enjoy the pictures and it was a really special wedding.
Because I was under restrictions, we weren't allowed to use the hall.
So we scouted out different places and settled on one of the area hotels that allowed weddings in their courtyard right off the lobby. Hotel patrons could be witnesses as they came and went. So, the weekend before our wedding, that's what my wife and I did.
As cool as the setting was, what I'll never forget is what the minister said. All he said was something like "we're all glad to be here to witness the wedding of jim and mary. Is there anyone in attendance who thinks they should not be joined together as man and wife? I say again, is there anyone here who thinks they should not be joined together as man and wife?"
After pausing for ten seconds or so after each question, he asked them if there were rings; then if they had words to say to each other (they did); and then he said a few words, prayed to bless the union, and it was over. The simplicity of it was so strikingly beautiful that it brought a lump to my throat. I thought: "that's the way it's supposed to be."
Best wedding I've ever been to.