You are the Prosecution...

by The Rebel 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    and on this thread I want you to open your case against the Governing Body.

    To make this fair I must select a jury. I would therefore ask any lurking witnesses to be part of that jury. Now I would like court to begin and the prosecution to bring the charges against the " self called representives of Jehover God"

    I will begin by asking G.B member Mr Jackson. " are you a good for nothing old rat bag?" And the evasive answer of "MIGHT BE" doesn't count. Furthermore in your defence Mr Jackson I believe all posts on this thread should be fair and balanced where do we start:-

    Q) Mr Jackson when you said under oath at the Royal Commission " it would be presumptous" to claim you had direction from Jehover, God were you infact saying you are a good for nothing old rat bag?


    Further charges to follow.....

  • punkofnice
    Members of the Governing body of Jehovah's witnesses; I put it to you that you willingly protect paedophiles within you organisation because you all are, or some members of the Governing body ARE, in fact, peadophiles yourselves. Thus to protect filthy, disgusting perverts is to protect members of your body. Yourselves. Not so?
  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Thank you for your comment Punk.

    Members of the jury ( Lurkers in good standing) I would like to point out that some of the accusations presented by punk in this court whilst sensational, may also be true.

    The Rebel.

  • punkofnice

    Barrister Punkster: I ask the members of the Governing body of Jehovah's witnesses these questions:

    1. Do you claim to be the mouthpiece of God?

    2. If you claim that is 'presumptuous', as Mr Jackson already stated, then why do you insist that the rank and file (your own terminology), should be shunned for not agreeing with your every word?

    ......oh, darn it your honour, just give these perverts the death penalty!

    Judge: Oh, make a valid point Punkster..............take them behind the bike sheds and shoot the sorry arsed con men. Then throw the bodies in the street for the birds to feast on.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    It is only fitting that Mr Geoffrey Jackson of the G.B should be allowed to respond to Mr Ex Elder P Jacksons ( alias punkofnice) rude and malicious comments.

    Mr Geoffrey Jackson your response please.

    " I'm sorry M'Lord but I've forgotten the accusation, but all I can say is that with all " modesty" the excellence of my credentials and character are beyond reproach. I would also submit " punkofnice" doesn't know what he is talking about. Finally I would also add that on any nights in question when myself and my G.B members were engaged in incriminating sexual activities, we also had 9 million enterprising publishers making money for us....We are therefore extremely cross our mouth piece for being spokesmen for God has been bought in to question. As I have a sick father to attend I am unable to answer anymore questions.

    Case closed.

    p.s may I have the photos of myself engaging in incriminating sexual activities back.

    The Rebel.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Well in view of the lack of response to G.B members crimes I find them not guilty on all charges, except for being good for nothing rat bags,

    The Rebel.

  • punkofnice
    Reb - You're too late, they've buggered off to the Caribbean to live in luxury on the proceeds of kiddy fiddling.

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