Five Steps to Peace: any comments.

by QCA1 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • QCA1

    Hi to everyone.

    Just finished a book by Neale Waslch called ' The New Revelations'. I would like to if i may list here what has been written regarding the 5 steps to peace. Do you agree or disagree.

    We acknowledge that certain old beliefs about life and about God are no longer working.

    We acknowledge that there is something we do not understand about God and about life,the understanding of which could change everthing.

    We are willing for new understandings of God and life to now be brought forth,understandings that could produce a new way of life on this planet.

    We are willing to explore and examine these new understandings ,and,if they align with our inner truth and knowing,to enlarge our belief system to include them.

    We are willing to live our lives as a demonstration of our beliefs.

    Do most or all of you here think that what we have been taught about God,Christianity,Jesus and so on through the Bible is absolute truth and truth isn't to be found outside of this book.

    I would appreciate your thoughts and has anyone read anything by Neale Walsch.


  • Introspection

    Sounds kinda 12 step or something, but mostly it just sounds like a repackaging of the same type of belief oriented "spirituality" that is already quite prevalent.

    I've said this in other threads but perhaps not so explicity, but as far as I'm concerned the problem is not a matter of what you believe, but just that you operate out of belief. If this is the case, you can see that if you just believe in different stuff you haven't gotten anywhere, you've just changed the content and the basic behavior is exactly the same, you're always believing in something or other. All belief does is provide a psychological structure that perpetuates conditioned behavior, there is no life in this kind of mechanical movement. In fact, if someone puts their faith in beliefs, (which is more than likely what is happening, rather than what the belief says they claim to put faith in, i.e. God) they have no need to believe in any kind of a higher power. The unconscious behavior simply perpetuates itself, the ego structure reinforces itself, if anything when something comes along to suggest that their beliefs may not be true, the pious spiritual ego feels offended and/or threatened, it just puts on more defenses which is ultimately a defense against seeing its empty nature. So while these sentiments sound nice, it sounds to me like it's the same old behavior when you get right down to it.

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