Disfellowshipping, strangest stories, what are yours ???

by run dont walk 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    It seems people get disfellowshipped for a wide variety of reasons,

    Of course the most obvious ones are, sexual, drinking and or drugs.

    But, I have seen a few strange ones .........

    I remember a brother in our congregation getting df'd because he went to a strip bar, I admit it not the greatest place to hang out, but df'd for this. It's not illegal.

    Another got df'd for because the elders felt he was pushing his business too much at the Kingdom Hall. (he fixed cars)

    Another got publicly reproofed for, because a few people heard him swear outside the Kingdom Hall. Give me a break, he left after this.

    What are some of the strangest ones you have witnessed or heard about ???

    Is there any pattern to dfing, or each judicial committee has their own rules ??? And if they don't like you, well you are SOL.

  • Ron1968

    I heard of one lady who got df'd because after she legally got a divorce (and within the guidelines of the jw's) but she had to stay over at her ex's house for a couple of weeks after the divorce to get financially able to support herself. I guess she was accused of living with a man she wasn't married to!!


  • pr_capone

    Once upon a time there was an Elder who cheated on his wife, the daughter of the PO, with this other publisher. He was removed and reproved but she was df'd. She was quite repentant and even asked for a second commitie. Shows that its always in who you know!

    Kansas District Overbeer

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